More Democrats Vote for Trump Than Against Him in Impeachment Vote
The impeachment process against Donald J. Trump began in the early morning hours of Nov. 9, when it became clear that the Republican standard bearer had carried the state of Pennsylvania and therefore the Electoral College. The first avenue for impeachment was collusion with the Russians. Maxine Waters suggested that coming up with the nickname […]
Tom Brokaw Laments ‘Rush’ to Judgment on Al Franken
Veteran liberal journalists Tom Brokaw and Andrea Mitchell on Thursday lamented the “rush to judgment” that forced Al Franken from the Senate. Despite the fact that eight women have now accused the Democrat of inappropriate or unwanted touching, Tom Brokaw mourned, “… There was on the part of the Democratic Party a determination and kind […]
CBS Mourns Franken Resignation: ‘The End to a Potentially Storied Career’
Following Minnesota Senator Al Franken announcing his resignation on Thursday amid a series of sexual harassment allegations, CBS News special coverage of the lawmaker’s departure lamented what a “big blow” it was for the Democratic Party to lose someone with such a “nationwide progressive profile.” Anchor Bianna Golodryga even grieved “the end to a potentially […]
Supreme Court deals a blow to activist judges, hands Trump a victory on ‘travel ban’
The U.S. Supreme Court lifted the temporary stays on President Donald Trump’s latest version of his travel ban Monday. But was there more to the Supreme Court’s decision than a simple reversal of two lower courts’ orders? Kevin Daley, the Supreme Court reporter for the Daily Caller, thinks so. In a piece on Wednesday, Daley […]