Posted by highlysuspect on May 24, 2007 in misc, politics, Will's articles |

We live in a world where everything is about the individual; the “me” world. Everyone is out to enhance his or her own life regardless of what they have to do or what it does to another person. It is a rare occurance when someone does the right thing for someone else knowing they may pay a huge price for it. When someone does perform an act of total selflessness, we call it a “defining moment” in that person’s life. These random acts can range from a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save his buddies, to diving into a river to pull someone who fell in out. It doesn’t have to be saving someone’s live, it could be telling a friend he or she chose the wrong partner, it can even be the unwavering belief in a friend’s innocence. Literally anything.

A defining moment can also work the other way, a person can perform an act that shows they are truly evil.

The point is, whichever path we take, there will always be a price.  Be sure you can live with consequences of your actions.


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