Posted by highlysuspect on January 4, 2007 in misc, politics, The Rantings of MEN!, Will's articles |

I created this site a little over a year ago because I had something to say, And to make people think and let their voices be heard. I also wanted to create a dialogue among those people so all of us good express our opinions in the hope of effecting change in the way people think . What I mean by that is simply this; I want people to think for themselves instead having a handful of people thinking for us. The only way to change America and make it better is to freely exchange ideas between mainstream americans. That is why I have not imposed any guidelines whatsoever. (except, no porn links). The exchange I,ve seen between three of us, and, yes, I’am including myself in this, isn’t what I have in mind. I’m interested in the merit of the argument, not the IQ of the person presenting the argument! That being said, as the BIG KAHUNA of raweditorial I reserve the right to sound off on a personal note should I feel the need to. I still believe guidelines are not necessary, because we are all adults and I feel we can express ourselves without personal attacks on each other. Save that for the politicians. They are good at it, and they thrive on it, and live for it.


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