CNBC's Erin Burnett on National Debt: 'The Problem is Our Revenue'

Posted by highlysuspect on April 13, 2011 in politics |

Appearing on Monday’s NBC Today to discuss the debate over reducing the nation’s debt, CNBC host Erin Burnett declared to co-host Matt Lauer: “The problem is our revenue, what the government takes in, in taxes. What you pay every month out of your paycheck is way smaller, in fact, its only somewhere around $2 trillion a year.”

After Lauer asked about the relationship between government spending and the debt, Burnett acknowledged: “They are related, but really, to tackle this issue, we do have to tackle entitlements. When you look at Medicare and Social Security, its 40% of our budget.” However, she quickly denounced Republican attempts to use a raise in the debt ceiling to cut such spending: “Those are the questions we have to answer, but not through playing chicken on the debt ceiling.”

via CNBC’s Erin Burnett on National Debt: ‘The Problem is Our Revenue’.


1 Comment

  • highlysuspect says:

    When reading idiotic statements like this, one has to make one wonder exactly which institution educated her and people like her. The problem with the national debt is not what the government takes in, the problem is they spend more than they have, and, that, is just flat out stupid.

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