We The Sheeple

Posted by Jensmar on February 26, 2007 in politics |

Approximately five years ago America was lied to. Two thousand nine hundred seventy three people died for the sake of this deception, twenty four are still missing, and twenty falsely accused. For most, September 11, 2001 will be remembered as the most horrific incident ever to occur on U.S. soil to date. For others, it would be the catalyst that signified the end of our innocence; the decline of a nation.

Like my grandfather who could recall exactly where he was and what he had been doing when Pearl Harbor was attacked, and my mother when President Kennedy assassinated, I too would have an unfortunate memory of the like forever ingrained in my mind. In college at the time, I was on campus when the news broke. Rules of everyday routine were suddenly obsolete, as they frequently are in cases of emergency. The student body and faculty stood still, eyes glued to televisions and ears to the static-laden waves of FM radios. Shock permeated the campus, the nation, and the world.

Everything was going according to plan.

People were frightened and confused, but most of all we were angry. United as a nation in our outcry, we wanted answers and revenge. Our government would give us exactly that because they were on our side. They stood for what we believed in. They fought for us, and for everything that made the United States of America the greatest country in the world.

Now, I’ll try to break it gently to you because I know it’s not something you want to hear. It’s going to make you sick and angry and that’s exactly what I want it to do. That’s exactly how you need to be. Read carefully, and open your mind to the hardcore facts I am about to present. Are you ready? Because now I’m going to tell you the truth about September 11th..

I’ll start by being blunt. 9/11 was organized by the United States Government. It’s actually nothing new; Hitler did something of the like in 1933. He used the Reistag Fire as an excuse to consolidate power, taking away Germany’s first amendment rights and freedoms all in the name of protecting the interests of the nation. Just as the Bush administration uses Osama Bin Laden as their scapegoat, Hitler also had his; the communists.

Over the decades there has been many ‘attacks’ on America. Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, and the Spanish and Mexican wars, were all planned or encouraged by U.S. presidents to further agendas unpopular with the American public. Called False Flag Operations, it passes the blame to others in order to justify goals.

The ‘experts’ would have you believe that the intense heat of the jet fuel as it burned caused the towers to collapse, or pancake. The fact is that fuel burns at 800º to 1500ºF, not hot enough to melt steel (2750ºF). Besides, the dark smoke billowing from the towers signifies an oxygen starved fire, close to expiring. Several experts have stated that the towers were brought down by explosives in a controlled demolition. Video evidence from various angles and cameras confirm flashes of light or a shimmering of certain sections of the towers just seconds before collapse. Squibs, blasting caps used in the demolition industry are seen as jets of dust shooting out horizontally 10-20 floors ahead of the disintegrating tower. Rumbling and explosions were heard inside the towers by firefighters and police officers before the collapse. One in particular was heard emanating from the basements. Demolition experts say that explosives are often planted in the subterranean vaults of buildings in order to destabilize the foundation so that the weight of the building will help collapse the structure. Images of Ground Zero days after September 11th show piles of steel with angled cuts, a clear sign of ‘shaped charges’ frequently used in controlled demolitions to slice through the beams to control the fall.

There is also photographic evidence of thermite. A thermite reaction produces an extremely hot reaction, up to 4500 degrees F, creating molten iron and aluminum oxide. The dense white smoke seen just before the collapse is proof of this elemental reaction to the steel of the buildings. Also, five months after the collapse, molten ‘hot spots’ were found in the rubble of WTC 1, 2, and 7, which is very credible evidence of Thermite.

Now, conventional thermite requires very high temperature for ignition which cannot be reached by conventional black-powder fuses, nitrocellulose rods, detonators, or other common igniting substances. In this case though, we do have an ideal igniter. When one watches video of the attack, immediately before the planes, or specially prepared drones (that’s another article altogether) hit the towers, missiles carried beneath the fuselage were fired into the building. A white flash seen just before the planes hit the towers is evidence of a pyrophoric uranium penetrator, which bores through everything it hits and creates a super-heated space as it burns at extremely hot temperatures. When experts were asked if this would set off a thermite reaction, their answer was “undoubtedly”.

Unfortunately, the 9/11 Commission was unable to bring these facts to the American public. The committee was formed 411 days after September 11th, an absurd amount of time considering the loss of life and ‘threat’ on America. The commission though, was doomed from the start. The Bush administration limited their funding (approx.15mil.), rushed deadlines, censored documents, and only released 25 percent of those papers. Officials also refused to testify under oath. I wonder why…

September 11th was America’s ‘New Pearl Harbor’. And now five years later it is still being used to make us remember that we are afraid; that we should be afraid. And they’re right, we should be. We should be very afraid of our government because if they could murder 2,973 people on American soil and then over 3,000 of our soldiers on foreign lands, it is definitely something to fear.

We should never forget what happened on September 11th, 2001 because it is not a question of will it happen again. It’s a question of when will it happen again. Please support further investigation of 9/11.



  • Well, it would appear you are back with a vengence! Let me say this, as long as I have known you, I have known you to be highly opinionated, honest about what you believe, and willing to fight for those beliefs. I have tremendous respect for you.

    That being said, I share your concern about the government usurping the constitution and and attempting to take away certain rights. As you know, I have brought this up before in articles about Newt Gingrich. As Americans we need to be diligent about our governments actions.

    Now, concerning your viewpoint about 9-11. I feel compelled to to point out several facts. First, Osama Bin Laden PUBLICLY claimed responsibility for the attacks. How many video tapes have we seen int last 5 years? How many threats have been made by this man since 9-11? Second, do you really believe the American Government would kill nearly three thousand of its own people? The mere suggestion of it is unconsionable. Third, The liberal media not to mention various members of the “Hollywood” set, aka Michael Moore and various others would stop at absolutely nothing to destroy this Presidet, (not to mention America herself) all to further their cause of a weak America that would be subserviant to the Europeans, also, a society in which the government controls everything, including what we say and what we think, and a media that simply does whatever the hell it wants. They would go so far as to create computer images and employ the use of trick photography to give the illusion of missiles being fired from the planes into the WTC. They would do it without blinking an eye. The liberal menace would ban religion, well not exactly, they would ban Chritianity, we’ve allready seen this begin.

    Liberals believe in absolutely nothing. With the lone exception being the destruction of the American way of life. They will stop at nothing to achieve this.

    Your final point, the 9-11 ATTACKS should be investigated until we know everything that was missed in the intel, why it was missed and why we were not warned.

  • Jensmar says:

    The point is not whether you are liberal or conservative. The point is that you are an AMERICAN. As an American you have a duty to police your government. It bothers me quite a bit to be called liberal like it is a dirty word; like I wear a scarlet letter upon my chest just because I lean a little farther left than someone else.

    And as for Osama Bin Laden, he was trained by the CIA. In 1986, Bin Laden brought heavy construction equipment from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan. Using his extensive knowledge of construction techniques, he built “training camps.

    These camps were built in collaboration with the ISI and the CIA. The Afghan contra fighters, including the tens of thousands of mercenaries recruited and paid for by Bin Laden, were armed by the CIA. Pakistan, the US and Britain provided military trainers.

    And the man you’ve seen in the videos the last three or four times was not even Bin Laden. It is a proven fact. Facial structure and voice recognition do not match up.

    And do you really think that a few guys that crawled out of a cave from a third world country wielding weapons that would make a teenager scoff could really overtake umpteen passengers and staff on an airliner? That point aside, it would be nearly impossible for a novice pilot to perform the difficult task of maneuvering a giant airliner as they were manipulated that morning.

    As for the trick photography, well, I’m not using the “liberal media” machine as a reference. I no longer believe anything I hear on the television nor what I read in the papers. They are all controlled by government agencies. Also, you mentioned Michael Moore, well the man is a joke, so is his ‘documentary’.
    My sources do not need doctoring.

    As for the American government killing thousands of it’s own people…well, like I said, it’s been done before. It really shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

    I’m not another liberal conspiracy theorist bent on trying to destroy America. I’ll admit I do not like the Bush administration, but that’s not even what I’m touching on here. I am concerned that our government (republican/democrat, liberal/conservative) is manipulating the public and getting away with it. And unfortunately they are because many have been lulled into a false sense of security. We must begin to question things. Many of our rights have already been stripped away, and soon we will have none.

    I’ll be happy to provide you with my sources and if you will approach them with an open mind you’ll begin to see exactly what I’m talking about.

  • highlysuspect says:

    We appear to agree that this government needs to be more closely scrutinized by the American people. We have seen it run roughshod over this coutry dating back to the early 1970’s. We need to take a more active role in watchdogging it.

    I created this site for people like you and I and others who think for themselves and are willing to express those thoughts and opinions whatever they may be. This is a site where all opinions are welcome; provided they are not a personal attack on a contributor to this site. This is probably the most openmined site you will ever find concerning the subject matter.

    Your statement about the media being controlled by government agencies is questionable. The perfect example being the 60 minutes report about the documents concerning Bush’s military service. Exactly which government agency was in charge of doing that? We both know it was done to discredit Bush and hurt his candidacy. ” BY THE MEDIA”!

    We live in a society where people are paid millions on top of millions of dollars to “entertain” us. Yet these people come out and run their mouths about whatever the cause of the day is, despite the fact they have no idea what they are talking about. Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Ted Nugent and Bruce Springsteen come to mind. The media puts these people on the tube and in the papers like they are experts. They American public eats this garbage up like it is the gospel truth. This is all done by the liberal medai machine and supported by the democrats! Including nut jobs like Michael Moore! The government does not control the media, the media controls the country! Public opinion is key and right now, the media controls it and manipulates it to suit their purpose, and yes, we need to do something about that.

    I would like to examine your sources. I will do my best to keep an open mind. As long as you do the same.

  • El Bronco says:

    It is a well known fact are government is corrupted. We the people need to make a change, but to change the government it takes money. The reason it takes money is due to our election process. A average joe could not run for President. It takes money to run a campaign. So we are stuck voting for a republican or democrat. As far as 9/11.

    I have kept an open mind all along and have listened to many people. However, when someone admits to attacking the U.S. either a) they have a death wish or b)they did it. I believe Bin Laden had something to do with it. I do not believe he would admit to doing it if he did not. The reason, I state this is, because now he is in hiding for the rest of his life. If not dead by now. As far as Bin Laden being trained by CIA, well our government trains and helps evrybody. Look at Irag. We are training them now and in due time they will probably attack us. Look at Japan we train them. During peace time we train our enemies for economic gain. During war we blow them up for economic gain. it all comes down to the almighty dollar.

    What would our government have to gain by destroying the WTC and killing almost 3,000 people? They would have no involvement if they had nothing to gain. The only feasible gain I have heard thus far is to get us into the middle east closer to Saddam so Bush could take him out. However, 3,000 lives just to get Saddam, I don’t quite buy it. I have an open mind share the info. you have as far as 9/11, I can draw my own conclusions then. I would greatly appreciate any evidence you might care to share.

  • highlysuspect says:

    I missed some of your statements when I originally read your post. Fortunately, other contributors did not and called certain things to my attention.

    The Japaneese attack on Pearl Harbor was not encouranged or planned by any U. S. President. That’s ridculous! The Japaneese were upset with this country because of high tarifs and taxes leveled on goods imported into this country. They felt it was unfair. This government was trying to protect American Industry from cheaper international products. Were the tarifs fair? I don’t know, despite the rumors that I’m a hundred years old, I wasn’t there. Was Japan’s anger justified? Maybe, people want fair market value for their products and services. One thing is for damn sure, the degree of aggression was not warranted!

    Vietnam on the other hand was not something we should have been involved in. When then Pres. John F. Kennedy began sending ADVISORS into that conflict someone should have stopped it.  Then, Lyndon Johnson escalated our involvement.  We entered into a fight we had no business being in. For us to choose sides was wrong. We should have sold weapons to both sides, made a profit and dealt with whoever came out on top. That, my friend is the American way.

    As far as the Spanish and Mexican wars, again We have to rely on history books to tell us what they were about, ( again, despite the rumors, I was not there) my question is this, the war with Mexico, are you talking about the Alamo? What exactly are talking about?

    The Spanish-American war, I’ve heard small things about, because according to my grandfather, he served as a chinese cook during the war, I’m not sure for which side.

    By all means Jenn, If you have what you think is irifuteable proof, share it with us! I will look at it objectively. That is the best I can do.

  • Jensmar says:

    I have provided more than enough proof for most people I know. But you seem to go on in doubt. Please allow me the insight as to what may convince you that this is the reality and not my conspiracy theory. This way I will not have to provide you with evidence and links you will not want to see as well as waste my time doing such.

  • El Bronco says:

    As far as evidence is concerned I have not seen much. What I was interested in was definately the thermite factor. Thermite is an aluminum and iron oxide mixture. Inside the WTC buildings I am sure there were plenty of aluminum desks. providing the aluminum factor to the thermite possibility. We also know that aluminum has 6 radioactive isotopes. well what is radioactivity but a by product of a nuclear reaction. If you heat aluminum up you change the isotope. However, getting back to the thermite factor. I just wanted to share, by heating up the aluminum we have changed its isotope and did it become a nuclear bomb? Now how do we get iron oxide well that could have come from the steel beams that held up the WTC buildings. What I am trying to say is that the plane crashing through the glass and steel beams of the WTC buildings could have created the thermite. here is how, the jet fuel burns @ 1796 degrees fahrenheit. this melts the aluminum desks and the melted aluminum mixes with the steel that has fallen from the plane impact. steel has iron in it. the iron has oxidized from setting so long and boom you have your thermite. wether this is what really happened I do not know. I searched this info on http://www.reference.com. It is a search engine. I was not there I do not know what really happened. I probably will not ever truly know. However there is theories that can be proven and disproven through research. Was thermite present? I think I have proven, that with the right mixture of different items found in the buildings conduscent to an office building, thermite could have been present. Or could the high temps. been created by 1 of the 6 radioactive isotopes of aluminum which I am sure was in an abundance in the buildings through office supplys like the desks.

  • Jensmar says:














    It has become very clear to many 9/11 researchers that the events of 9/11/01 were planned and carried out by rogues within our own government under the cloak of war games that were being conducted on that very day. It is also clear that many things did not go as planned, and this is why there is so much suspicion related to the events. Perhaps, if the execution of the plan had been more perfect, fewer people would have been suspicious in the first place and much of the evidence noticed by the 9/11 researchers would have remained unnoticed.

    One of the most obvious “anomalies” of 9/11 that attracted attention relates to the flawless, unexplained and virtually ignored collapse of WTC7, a 47 story building that was not hit by any airplane.

    First some facts: WTC7 building collapsed in perfect controlled demolition form in less than seven seconds. This component of the events of 9/11 was not even mentioned in “the bible of the blind” known as the official 9/11 report. As a matter of fact, you can read the entire 9/11 Commission report and not even know that there was a WTC7, let alone that in collapsed under such suspicious circumstances. Another interesting little nugget relates to what appears to be a public confession by the owner of WTC7 acknowledging the intentional demolition of the building. Larry Silverstein seemed to openly admit to making the decision to “pull” the building. On public television, Silverstein was recorded describing the decision to “pull it”, a term used when a building is imploded via controlled demolition.

    Now a new bombshell adds dramatic credibility to the suspicion surrounding the collapse of this now infamous building. The revelation comes in the form of newly publicized news footage from the BBC and CNN, clearly exposing the fact that the collapse was anticipated and that a detailed explanation of why this building could collapse was prepared for the press in advance, before anyone even knew why or if the building would fall.

    Understand that these news organizations reported the building collapse almost half an hour before it actually did!

    Some vital points: Many people will argue that WTC7 was damaged and burning quite badly, and that alone could cause the building to collapse. This is a reasonable assumption to some extent but it does not take many of the extenuating circumstances into account. Here are some things that have to be taken into account when assessing the reality of the situation: During the day we all heard radio and television reports telling us that the building was under great stress. We were told that the building was “leaning” and would not stay up for long. I suggest that we were being told this so there would be some reason to convince the public that this building would eventually collapse when, in fact, this was not true. Just think about this for a minute: if the building was indeed “leaning” then why didn’t it tip over? That’s what buildings do if they lean over badly enough.

    It is not arguable that all objects on this planet are subject to the laws of physics as they currently exist. Physics 101 teaches that objects tip over do when they lean too far over. Why, then, did the core of the WTC7 building collapse first? Watch the video; that is what happened. The first thing that happens is that the penthouse structure drops into the building followed by what appears to be a completely simultaneous failure of ever single supporting structure located on the same level of the lower portion of the building. Buildings do not collapse like this under any condition, and no acceptable explanation has ever been given as to how the building could lean and then collapse in the manner in which it did.

    Let me repeat one fact that I can not emphasized enough: the warnings describing the building’s pending destruction described a building that appeared to be ready to fall because it was leaning. This would have meant that the building would eventually tip over totally or break at some point like a tree after a lumberjack gives it enough whacks with an axe. The building came straight down, center columns first, from the bottom, on to its own footprint. Repeat: Leaning = tipping over, and we were clearly told that the building was leaning.

    Now let’s get on to the real question posed by those who refuse to accept the evidence, and who hold on to the belief that Americans would never this, or who fall back on the old “why would the Bush administration, or other rogue elements within our government and military do this and leave so much suspicious evidence?”

    The answer is simple, but difficult to accept: this was a hugely risky operation and could not have been completed without problems! And these problems have provided reasonable people with serious concerns about the real facts surrounding the tragic events of that day.

    What is becoming clearer to me are the true intentions of the rogues within our government who conspired to shock and awe the American people into supporting a radical shift in American foreign and domestic policies. These criminals were intent on creating a scenario complete with a plausible reason for the collapse of WTC7. I believe that the planners of 9/11 originally wanted to counter the claims of potential conspiracy theory “wackos” that WTC7 fell for the same reasons that caused the collapse of WCT1 and WTC2: because a plane hit it! I believe that WTC7 was the actual intended target of flight 93. I believe that flight 93 was, to the surprise of the rogues running the operation, shot down by some true American patriot who was performing his or her duty. I feel this person slipped by the efforts of the rogues who tried everything in their power to prevent the existing national defense procedures from operating successfully.

    Had flight 93 actually hit WTC7, it would have served as an improbable but relatively reasonable explanation for the collapse of all three buildings. Science, witnesses, video and forensic evidence indicate that the main towers were brought down by controlled demolition and not as a result of any plane impact or raging fires. Still, the claim that the first two towers collapsed as a result of the damaging impact of aircrafts filled with jet fuel might serve as a reasonable explanation for what happened. On the other hand, the collapse of WTC7 – despite not having been hit by a plane- has caused people to reach for any explanation they could dream up and believe regardless of how implausible! These people look around frantically for scientific support for their unsupported theories, yet they ignore all of the other suspicious evidence surrounding the mystery of WTC7. They blind themselves to everything from comments by Silverstein himself to the dramatic video evidence and the revealing statements (and documentation) made by members of our government who were tasked with protecting us on that very day.

    It is very important to pay close attention to the lack of public, official and media attention to WTC7. Most people do not know that there even was a WTC7. Most people don’t know the circumstances surrounding its collapse and have never seen a video of the collapse. Most people don’t know that this building has already been rebuilt! This may very well be because those involved did not want to draw attention to this building! Such publicity may have caused people to ask about a building so blatantly ignored on that fateful day. And, if they knew, they may have started poking around for answers to the obvious questions! You would also think that rebuilding the first WTC structure would have been a loud statement to the so called terrorists. You would think it would stand out a symbol of American strength and resolve. And yet the reconstruction of this building went on and was completed with a virtual media blackout and to the surprise of anyone who eventually finds out about it.

    It is equally vital to ask these questions: if construction of the new WTC7 was started in 2002 and completed in May of 2006, “when was the replacement building originally planned?” How long does it take to draw up the plans and actually build a 52 story building, especially in the footprint of damage done on 9/11? How long does it take to prepare for this kind of construction from the time you decide to build?

    Let me repeat this as I scream as loud as I can: Construction for a 52 story building started less than one year after there was no reason to plan the project! How long does it take to come up with a design, arrange all the legalities, settle the insurance and arrange for the actual construction! Why wasn’t the rebuilding of this national historic symbol celebrated? Why didn’t FOX News taunt the terrorist with this as a sign of American resolve and as a sign that they did not beat us? Is it possible that this building plan had been initiated prior to the events of 9/11? Is this yet another smoking gun? I think it is!

    A final point: The explanations given to the 9/11 research community by the people who like to “debunk” this evidence always follows the same pattern and always are hit and run piecemeal explanations. To my knowledge, nobody has ever debunked the entire body of evidence, that, along with the physical record include means, motive and opportunity as well as suspicious comments and actions. There is a big picture here and this issue must be discussed in a similar scope.

    The body of evidence indicating the complicity of members of our own government in the events of 9/11 is growing daily. The “debunkers” are starting to sound down right silly. Their apologist explanations are beginning to sound like typical “my dog ate my homework” excuses you might hear from a child. As a matter of fact, their responses to evidence are just that, excuses, not explanations. They often offer excuses that contradict the comments and admissions of the very people for whom they are providing these excuses!

    One thing we must all admit at this time is that there are elements of the official 9/11 story that just do not add up; period, end of story. In that light, I ask the citizens of my country to stop fighting over speculation and start examining the big picture because the big picture may provide a clue as to how the smaller pieces of evidence fit together! Think about it!

    These should be sufficient proofs for you. If not, then you really are sheeple; a product of government propaganda and brainwashing. And you deserve whatever you get when our country strikes again.

  • Jensmar says:

    What happened to my previous post with all the links?

  • highlysuspect says:

    I didn’t see the post with the links in it. When did you post it?

    I found it in my spam catcher .   I posted it.    

  • highlysuspect says:

    I’ll look at what you say is evidence proving your theory, but realistically, I saw the second plane hit live, nothing was fired out of it. I watched it over and over and over, nothing was fired from it. I’v spoken to other people who watched it, they all saw what I saw. Playing in in slow motion produced the same thing nothing. I’ll have more in a few days. In the mean time, feel free to read and comment on some other stuff. Whether you are right or wrong about 9/11, I do value YOUR OPINION.

  • kathy says:

    Jen ,
    I do strongly agree with a lot of what you are saying however some things just do not make sense. why would our government do all of this to it’s own people then put all our troops in a foreign country killing thousands of united states soldiers .
    What would that possibly do for them.
    As it stands now the majority of our country does not support the decisions of this president
    and his drones.
    If you ask half of America how they felt about the way the so called powers that be were running the country they would simply say they are appalled . As for wtc7 who stood the most to gain by the destruction of that building? Perhaps the one who collected the billions of insurance dollars from it.
    I can agree it was a planned event but maybe not by the government .
    Drug dealers have all kind of foreign contacts so why is it hard to fathema regular Trump wanna be being behind all this.
    We have pissed off many people over the years and so many different things could have happened.
    We will never know. I must also add I to do not believe it was Bin Laden on the tapes as much as I believe it was not Sedam who was executed he would never give bush the satisfaction of killing him.
    But you are in title to your opinions and maybe someday you will be proven correct until then we the sheeple will go on living day by day as best as we can because whatever the drones have planned for us we can not control.
    on a lighter friendlier note welcome back..

  • Jensmar says:

    just check out the links kathy it will answer all your questions.

  • highlysuspect says:

    Jenn, your sources may provide some answers, common sense may provide others, the truth is, we’re never going to truly know what happened that day. I will repeat something I said earlier, I have not looked at your imformation yet, I have done some preliminary research, along with Jason, on another angle. This is going to take some time.

    On a lighter note, I recall not so long ago this statement from you about posting on my website ” I want people to argue with me.” Well, you picked a great issue, regardless of how it plays out. I have it on good authority that othe people will be getting involved, which is exactly what I want.

  • highlysuspect says:

    Jenn, I looked at those links you sent me. First of all, the first one, the one with the video, fails to consider the fact that not only did both planes take out structural supports of both buildings, the fire from the jet fuel could have ignited gas lines throughout both buildings causing multiple explosions and fires in both buildings.

    The section about steel and other debri beeing shot outward into the street below was obviously caused by floors of the buildings collapsing onto each other.

    The reports of explosions under the towers were never reported in the MAIN STREAM media. I never saw any interviews with anyone who heard explosions in the basements or subbasements. There was also mention of damage in the lobby of one of the toweres after the plane hit. A collision of that force and magnitude will be felt and cause damage thoughout the building!

    The rest of the links you sent me are nothing more than a bunch of blog sites created by 9-11 conspiracy theorists.  Anybody can get there hands on the imformation that they have and interpret it and spin it to suit their theories!   Bluntly stated, I can create a site proving there is an alternate universe where humans are subserviant to cats!.  Someone would buy into it!  As we both know, any idiot can create a website for any purpose, I ought to know, I created this one. 

    I’m not trying to belittle what you think and believe, you obviously feel very strongly about this, we all should, but what you’ve given me is conjecture and speculaion from argueably questionable sources.  There isn’t anything there that proves your theory. There isn’t anything there that I didn’t allready know.  I hpoe you will keep digging because we all need to know more about that day.  I will guarantee you this, we don’t know everything about 9-11, and we have a right to!

    I hope you keep posting on my site.  Your opinion’s, whether I agree with them or not, are always welcome.  Talk to soon.    

  • Jensmar says:

    whatever dude…stay blind

  • highlysuspect says:

    Its not about being blind Jennifer. You’re asking me to believe “Roque” elements of the American Government planned, conspired and then murdered almost 3000 people, for no apparent reason. You offer conjecture and speculation by a bunch of anti Bush-Government bloggers who have nothing better to do than ask a bunch of questions and provide very few answers and the answers they do provide have no concrete evidence supporting them. Where are the witnesses that participated in the conspiracy and cover-up? Who exactly, planted the explosives in the towers? Why haven’t any of them come foreward? An operation of this size would have to involve dozens if not hundreds of people! You’re trying to tell me the government silenced them all? Not possible!

    Tell me something, If Bill Clinton, Al Gore, or John Kerry were President when the attacks occurred, Would you have any doubt about their authenticity?

  • kathy says:

    I must agree with Will on this one and that is something I don’t usually do…
    I need solid proof.
    Where are the parties that were involved in the dirty work.
    someone somewhere out there would be willing to talk for the right price if they had something of this magnitude under there hats.
    and if that proof exsisted some tabloid rag would have bought and published it over and over again…..
    sorry Jen I need more than blogs and easily duped clips…

  • Jensmar says:

    Kath, you’ll have solid proof when the next one hits and your daughter gets dragged into Iran.

    But alas, no skin off my back…didn’t expect much open-mindedness from you anyway. Enjoy the blissful mindlessness of the daily grind your media/government imposes upon you. Peace out sheeples, happy blogging.

  • highlysuspect says:

    Just remember Jenn, Barack Obama sees Iran as a major threat to the U.S. Hopefully, their all wrong and madness can stop.

    By the way, I got what I expected concerning my question in my last comment.  NO ANSWER WHATSOEVER!

  • kathy says:

    that almost sounded like a dig Jen and my daughte is blind as a bat som will never be sent to anywhere.I was only saying that should be some more solid documentation out there some where.
    Just like the ufo things that sooner or later come to the surface.
    I was not putting your opinion down or saying what you think is wrong.
    Als I am not a mindless sheep who follows anyone I beleive what i feel to be true in my own heart.
    and as much as i do think the idiots in charge are very petty and vandictive I still find it hard to cover up such a disaster.
    so please refrain from the insults i was not trying to ofend you…

  • highlysuspect says:

    I’ve always believed that anyone with an opinion can never be close-mindeed or mindless. Conscious thought is what seperates us from the animals. Our ability to process these thoughts creates reasonable opinion. It is not reasonble for me to believe the government of this country murdered 3000 people and tried to cover it up by “framing” a terrorist organization. Another way to sway public opinion is to provide tangible evidence. Conjecture and speculation alone are not tangible evidence, there must be reasonable proof such as a credible witness or documention of some type to proof an accusation. Eight or ten blog sites raising question about everything under the sun is not proof. As beings with the ability to think and reason, we simply need more than the word of a bunch of anti-government bloggers who are long on questions and opinions but short on evidence.

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