RIOTS, WELFARE RACISM, RAMPAGE? Obama’s Legacy of Hopelessness?

Posted by Raw Editor on August 15, 2014 in politics |

A suburban St. Louis, Missouri city is still smoldering in hot ashes from riots this week, as charges of racism and white police brutality are hurled into eagerly awaiting mainstream media cameras covering this lawlessness. The tragic death of Michael Brown. an unarmed teenager who was shot by a white police officer has been raised by Ferguson city protesters as the match that lit the fuse for the this summer’s riotous rampage.

Rage, fear and paralyzing hopelessness are truly the root emotions that seek and find refuge in the plantation of welfare entitlement thinking that President Obama has provided poor, black and minority citizens in America. Every action and every single syllable that has been uttered to cause a curtain of race baiting demagoguery to be embraced in urban America can be traced back to Obama’s pursuit of Democratic black victimization electioneering.

It would be very easy for Americans to dismiss what is happening in burnt out areas of Ferguson as the actions of raging monsters of the night or of poor hapless victims of GOP or Bush abandonment. Not so fast, President Bush has been gone for five years and the GOP does not hold the governor’s office.

Let’s get real. People with hate that has been fed by a political system that liberals use to promote hopelessness and permanent government entitlem

via RIOTS, WELFARE RACISM, RAMPAGE? Obama’s Legacy of Hopelessness?.


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