Liberals Blaming Republicans for Islamic Terrorists | Total Conservative

Posted by Raw Editor on February 12, 2016 in politics |

Not satisfied with merely smearing Republicans as racist, xenophobic, and sexist, liberals both inside and outside the world of politics have decided that Donald Trump and other security-conscious conservatives are actually turning moderate Muslims into radical terrorists. Despite lacking even the slightest shred of proof for this accusation, they are repeatedly and shamelessly trying to convince Americans that strong rhetoric against Islamic terrorism is enabling the enemy.At a Women’s Equality event called the Night of Comedy, “Hanoi” Jane Fonda took to the stage to accuse Trump of preying upon people’s “anxieties and racism.”“Even if he doesn’t make it which I don’t think he will, the fact that he’s said the things he’s said about Muslims for example, the damage has been done,” Fonda said. “All those young Muslims now can say, ‘Yeah I guess they really are waging a war against us.’ It will draw them closer to the terrorists. I think it’s really, really dangerous.”No, what’s dangerous is making outlandish statements about politicians that obscure the truth about Islamic terrorism. These celebrities and liberal pundits continually throw these unsupported claims out there, mischaracterizing Trump’s message along the way. Trump has never said one cross word about Islam. He’s never said anything about the free practice of the Muslim religion in the United States. He proposed putting a temporary halt to Muslim immigration, a sensible measure given how incompetent our federal government is in screening visitors and migrants. He is, in a phrase, trying to save innocent lives. But somehow, that makes him a terrible person.

Source: Liberals Blaming Republicans for Islamic Terrorists | Total Conservative


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