Democrat Prosecutors Pursue Climate Skeptics

Posted by Raw Editor on April 6, 2016 in politics |

The ghost of Stalinist “science” is back with Lysenkoism 2.0. When top climate experts such as MIT’s Richard Lindzen and former NASA climatologist Roy Spencer ridiculed the alarmist movement as the “climate cult” and “global warming Nazis,” they were a lot closer to the mark than even they probably realized. Instead of explaining why the satellite and weather balloon temperature record shows that there has been no warming in over 18 years, in defiance of every United Nations “climate model,” the warmists have decided to simply prosecute and terrorize their critics with threats of fines, jail time, and even executions. Seriously. Now the threats are becoming reality, with Democrat alarmists and Rockefeller-funded activists leading the way.This has frightening parallels to the campaign of firing, imprisonment, sentencing to gulags, and even execution waged against Soviet scientists who questioned the pseudo-scientific views of Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko, who was supported by Joseph Stalin.With the man-made global-warming theory increasingly becoming the subject of ridicule, Democrat attorneys general in over 15 states are taking it to the next level. They call themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.” Among other schemes, the “law-enforcement officers” are plotting a massive legal attack on climate skeptics, science, free speech, constitutional government, imaginary boogeymen, and of course, common sense. But the plan is almost certain to backfire, big time — even in the remote chance that the prosecutors succeed in duping or strongarming a jury into fining or jailing climate heretics who have helped expose the absurdity of climate alarmism.

Source: Democrat Prosecutors Pursue Climate Skeptics

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