Posted by highlysuspect on April 19, 2007 in misc, politics, The Rantings of MEN!, Will's articles |


an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment


a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.


redemption, peace of mind.

Mankind has achieved great things throughout history.   The discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel, to the airplane, to internet, and beyond.  Throughout history mankind has strived to create a better way of life for its people.   The building of    roads and bridges as a means to carry building supplies as well as food and water to people in remote areas.  Suffice to say that the ambition of early man was to survive and evolve.

Early man to modern man can take pride in their accomplishments.  Their desire to survive  has perpetuated the existance and growth of mankind for thousands of years and will continue to do so for thousands more.

My ambition was to create a community where people could express their opinion, start a dialoque, and make people think,  I’ve achieved that with the help of my brother, (shortbus) and everyone who has contributed to this site.  I take great pride in what WE HAVE accomplished.  My salvation is that I can sleep knowing what we do makes a difference in our world.

Now, so I don’t get phone call after phone call, I will explain what this is really about.

It has come to my attention that a contributor to this site has certain ambitions of his or her own.  Personal ambition has its merits but only if you achieve those ambitions through hard work, sacrifice, and perserverance; as opposed to the road this person has apparently chosen.  This person has chosen to use less than above board tactics.  One of which is to have a second party spy on  and record the  activities of the person who currently holds the position he or she desires.  The first person’s pride has him or her believing his or her performance would be vastly superior to that of the person currently in the position, so, he or she is justified in taking the position using any means necessary.

Now, this kind of ambition and pride has no salvation or redemption.  Low-balling someone like this is wrong and can only lead to one conclusion.   It won’t be a “changing of the guard”.  Simply put, when the shit hits the fan, ( and that is inevitable) I have the back of the person who currently holds the position!  I wield considerably more power than most people are aware of, and I have no qualms whatsoever about using it. I’m not the only person who is aware of what is going on.   Suffice to say,  this person will not succeed!



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