Why Romney Lost

Posted by Raw Editor on November 11, 2012 in politics |

Election Day,  November 6, 2012, saw the re-election of Barack Obama to the Office of President of the United States of America. Since then, I have heard several reasons or, in my opinion, excuses, why Republican nominee Mitt Romney lost. These excuses range from New Jersey’s Republican Governor, Chris Christy’s praise of Obama’s visit to that state to view the devastation caused by hurricane Sandy, to voter fraud, to Libertarians voting for their candidate, to ” principled ” voters refusing to vote for Romney.  Some have suggested it was because of his alledged ” disconnect ” with middle and lower class Americans. Some of these things may have contributed to Romney’s defeat however, they are not why he lost.

You’re now asking yourselves, why did Mitt Romney lose? It is as simple as this: During the caucus and primary voting process, rank and file Republicans voted against their conservative core beliefs and handed Romney, who, at his best, will never be a conservative, the nomination on a silver platter.  He was not the ideal candidate for this party, that would be why I supported Rick Santorum who was the ideal candidate and, in my opinion, would have won.

Republicans have only themselves to blame for this defeat; when you nominate a candidate for president who did the same thing in his state, while he was Governor  ( Romneycare ) that Obama did when he became President, ( Obamacare ) then, tells you he will repeal the national version, you’ve nominated the wrong man!  It was a major inconsistency with Romney’s candidacy.  Why? You don’t take something that works in one place and unilaterally assume it won’t work somewhere else. Don’t get me wrong, I have issues with Obamacare which, I won’t get into here, but, for Romney to say repeal it eventhough he was campaigning on the success of his version, was what guys like me call STUPID!

The problem was, Republicans decided early on that the most important thing in this election was to beat Obama, well, it wasn’t. The most important thing was to provide the American people with a candidate who had a solid vision based on the core beliefs of the party and, of America. Republican voters failed to do that in the primaries. They rejected their own core beliefs for a slick talkin, pretty boy politician,  who lacked substance, in order to defeat an incumbent President who is better at it than Mitt Romney.  He talked a good game but, Obama, played it better. Playing will always be better than talking.


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