Since Barack Obama’s inaugeration, we have heard countless reports of how our capitalist society is being phased out. I disagree with that assessment. Why? Thats an easy one. I checked the email account I use for this site at about ten this morning. I had recieved at least a dozen solicitations from various organizations and pacs ( political action committees ) looking for ” donations ” to pay for them to send faxes to congress on my behalf or to offset the cost of mailings, you get the picture. I also got one invitation to a weekend long seminar in Washington, D. C. to ” Learn the art of political campaigning “. Thats right folks, somebody ” invited ” me to pay nearly 600 dollars to learn how to smile, kiss babies and to shake your hand and say ” Hi, my name is Will Masters and I want to be your next President “. Now, I know the argument I’m going to get here. Most of these organizations are allegedly non profit. It doesn’t matter. They’re still trying to get my money to champion something, whether its to line their own pockets or to influence a congressman’s vote, it doesn’t matter. There is still a profit of some type. We call that capitalism! The point is, these same organizations will tell us all our capitalist society is being thrown on the trash heap, then ask you for money. Politics is big business. Do yourselves a favor, if you have something to say about an issue, email, write or phone your congressman. You can also go to a site, create a petition and ask your family and friends to sign it. You can do this on your own and, with the exception of mailing a letter to congress, its free! Not to mention, FUN!
( Editor’s note: I used the office of President because a friend who I can not name, in this format, asked me to run for President in 2012. )