I have a friend who , during the election, was a staunch supporter of Barack Obama. He brought the news of 11% unemployment to my attention this morning. His comment about this was, ( I will clean this up for the kids ) ” If this guy could get the numbers back to where Bush left them, he’d be a freakin hero. ” He then went on to ask me if I thought the situation in this country would get this bad with this guy in the White House. DUH! That would be why I didn’t vote for him!
The notion that throwing money at a problem will solve it is as old as fire. Obama and the idiots in congress threw 781 billion dollars at the economic problems of this country expecting, well, quite frankly, I don’t know what the hell they were expecting, whatever it was, it didn’t work. Why? They gave the money to the wrong people. They gave it to the banks, big business, ( insurance companies, the auto industry ) , and themselves. What they should have done was give it to the people. You, me the people that actually spend money. We would have dumped it back into the system and bailed the country out.
We have the same problem with healthcare. They’re going to throw a trillion dollars at a problem that could be solved a hell of a lot easier. They won’t do it the easy way because it will take away their power and control. The more control they have the more power they have, the more power they have, the more corrupt they become. Its already happening. Harry Reid bought the swing vote in the U. S. Senate to pass his massive healthcare bill. A bill, that does not take affect until 2013; AFTER Obama gets voted out of office.
Next, we have the ” global warming ” nonsense. The underdeveloped nations of the world want the industrialized ones to contribute billions of dollars to a fund to ” aid ” these countries so they can battle the affects of global warming. I have a much better idea. How about if these countries promote and create business and industry ( not to mention, STOP KILLING EACH OTHER ), thereby creating a tax base, which would result in the the ability to solve their own problems so we wouldn’t have to pay their way in this world. It will never work because of the greed and corruption in some of the countries that have governments and it especially will not work in countries that lack a viable government. The bottom line is, these countries want a blank check drawn from the accounts of the American people. I VOTE NO!
Look folks, money doesn’t solve problems, people solve problems. Money can’t think, people can. Remember this, every time you go to the polls, vote for someone who expresses thoought, not someone who tells you ” we can fix this, but, we’re going to need your money “.