Posted by highlysuspect on September 15, 2009 in politics, Will's articles |

It was reported recently the al queda leader Osama bin Laden released a statement saying in effect, Barack Obama can not end the war. Whether it be the war on terror or the war in Afghanistan, that sounded like a challenge to me. The question is, is the American President up to the task? So far, the tough talk concerning rogue nations,has come from Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, not Barack Obama. Its time for the President to stand up to this clown and put him in his place…a coffin buried under six feet of dirt!

Now, I know you’re all reading this saying ” Obama doesn’t know where Bin Laden is. ” That may or may not be true. We’ve all seen reports and heard all kinds of speculation that our Government has known his whereabouts since 9/11. I’m not going to concern myself with that. I have a plan of my own. What we need to do, is follow members of the Arab media that have access to Bin Laden. That would make him easy to find. Think about it, the Arab media knows where to go to get interviews, statements and pictures. We can also track him through his IP address. The man has a computer, monitor his emails, track him like that. There is no reason why we can not find him if we implement my plan.

Bear in mind folks, Obama did say the war on terror should be fought in Afghanistan.


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