During an outing with friends recently, ( one of which recently returned from a six month assignment in Iraq, ) at the ” Loading Dock Bar and Grill ” ( on Monahan ave in Dunmore, PA ), the question of who exactly is to blame for the mess that is known as the MiddleEast was asked. A good question. One gut reaction was to blame the terrorists. Not a bad assignment of blame, but, is it an honest one? Good question. Another person put the blame on us. Initially, I agreed. We have been involved in the strife in that region for decades, including the plot in the early 1950s, in conjunction with British intelligence to remove the Shah of Iran from power. But, is it that simple? We’ve had our hands in there for decades, the British have had their hands in there for centuries. I’m sure we all remember the crusades. Which, makes the case for putting the blame squarely on the British. Again, there were two participants in the fight. ( not that I have a problem blaming the British ). Lets not forget what the crusades were about. Do the problems run deeper than that?
Is any one of this things to blame? Or, are all of them to blame? Certainly, none of these things has helped the region in any way. I’m know I’m going to hear about how we removed Suddam Hussein from power and all kinds of other stuff, but, it really hasn’t changed much in the region. Please remember that before you go off half-cocked, think about it. Also, not to add confusion to an already conjested blackboard of blame, there is the people of the region themselves. Over time, we have seen different Muslim groups form. Specifically, Shiite and Sunni, not to mention a few others. These different groups do not get along and fight each other. They are to blame for that. Not us, not the British.
The bottom line is, these people have been at war for centuries. They fought long before the British set foot on their sand. They fought long before America was ever dreamed of. They will fight long after we are gone. It is their culture. It is their way. They will never have peace until they decide they want it. It is not a decision we can make for them.