Crime Threatens Liberty

Posted by highlysuspect on January 12, 2011 in politics, Will's articles |

The massacre in Arizona, alledgedly  by Jared Loughner, a mentally disturbed individual,  has put the right to free speech by individual Americans in more peril than ever before in the history of America.  Some of our country’s ” public servants ”  ( those on the left side of the aisle ) and their liberal co-conspiritors in the media are placing the blame for this despicable act on conservative political speech and its minneons.   They are challenging the right of the American people to publicly express their opinions on political issues, which directly challenges the first amendment to the constitution.   What is being completely ignored by these people is the fact that this man, all by his little ole lonesome self made a decision to kill.   He was not brainwashed by Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, myself or any other republican conservative or constitutionalist.  He is deranged.  Its that simple.

Some of you may be asking the question ” What is the left’s motivation? ”  Its really not a difficult question to answer.  First of all, the left has an issue with dissention.  They don’t like to be disagreed with; more importantly, they don’t like to be disagreed with publicly!   Its perfectly okay to express your opinion in your home behind closed, locked doors, but don’t you dare venture into a public setting and express what you think!  Second, the left suffered significant political losses in the mid-term elections in November.  What better way to reverse those losses than blame mass murder on your opponent?  Welcome to the sick, twisted world known as liberal America.

There is an even more disturbing aspect to this case.  I recently read an article on a site called ROLL CALL: The Newspaper of Capitol hill Since 1955.  The article was titled ” An Attack on All Who Serve. ”   After reading the article, I made the decision to post the link because I was appalled by the tone and message the writer conveyed.  Once again, I encourage everyone to read that article.  Its content insults the intelligence of the American people and portrays us all as mindless drones incapable of individual thought and reason.  It suggests the American people do not know the difference between right and wrong.  Ask yourselves how dangerous this is to a society based on individual freedom.

What seems to be getting lost in the political rhetoric of the day is this; six people are dead, including a U. S. Congresswoman and a 9 year child, 14 others were wounded.  This tragedy occurred while these individuals were exercising their right to assemble and participate in our political process, and, while exercising their right to free speech; a right that is now being threatened by members of their own ideology.

Bottom line folks, we are all smart enough to not allow this to infringe on our rights to free speech  and expression; and if we’re not, those that sacrificed their lives in the American Revolution, did so in vain.  That is not a legacy I would want to be part of.


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