Posted by highlysuspect on October 16, 2009 in politics, Will's articles |

So,President Obama cut ” pro democracy ” funds for Iran. GOOD! There will not be a lot things I agree with Barack Obama on. This is one I do agree with. We have spent millions of dollars in Iran promoting democracy with little or no positive result. Clearly, we are throwing good money after bad. It has to stop. Why continue to waste money like this? Iran will never become a democracy. We have been handing money to IRANIAN pro democracy groups. Think about that for a minute. These are the same people who on November 4, 1979, stormed the United States Embassy and took a total of 66 people hostage. 52 of those people were Americans. They held these Americans for 444 days, that was nearly 30 years ago. ( Nice timing Mr. President ). The people running the show in Iran are the same people that stormed our embassy that day!. We don’t know the names, and, faces are 30 years older, but, they are the same people!  God knows what they are really using the money for.

The bottom line is, America is the voice of freedom and democracy in the world.  There is no denying that, however we have spent millions of dollars over how many years promoting democracy in a country that has no desire to change its current ideology.  You can not change something or someone that does not want to be changed.  Until the people of Iran decide they want to be free of a tyrannical government, our efforts, financially, politically, spiritually, or anything else you can think of are useless.
We should not continue financial support.


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