Posted by highlysuspect on August 21, 2009 in politics, Will's articles |

I am so sick and tired of idiots sending me emails about how we ” desperately need a strong global warming bill “!   These people don’t seem to get it, GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT FREAKIN REAL !”  It is an invention of Al Gore and the rest of the the liberal idiots to unite all countries of the world under one economic structure!  Its an attempt to socialize the entire world.  And, for Al Gore. it was a way of gaining world recognition by being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; an award that has nothing whatsoever to do global warming!  I’ve made my position abundantly clear to these idiots via emails and they still insist on sending me this crap!  ENOUGH!  Its time to fight back.  Whoever wants to join me, let me know.


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