Well, the do nothing Congress is at it again! They gave themselves a pay raise. Thats right folks, we will now pay them more next year for doing nothing than we paid them this year! Meanwhile, the rest of us slowly sink into the abyss of poverty. I guess thats fair. The American people have had it so good for so many years due to previous Congresses actually doing their jobs, its okay for this one to just take our money and laugh all the way to the bank; or Hawaii or Europe or whereever it is they go.
Exactly how outrageous is this? Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi-D-CA made over $217,000 thousand dollars this year. I made about 10% of that. She got a $4700.00 raise for doing maybe 10% of what she should be doing. Its not just her, its all of them. Thats why we’re in the mess we’re in. Something else we all need to think about, Should President-elect Barack Obama’s tax increase for people making over $200,000 dollars a year go up for a vote, Pelosi isn’t going to vote for it! She makes too much money. Or, she will find some type of tax dodge. Even better, she’ll find some way for those of us making what we make to pay for her taxes.
When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House, she vowed to ” clean up the corruption in Washington. ” Not to mention ” restore its credibility “, and so on and so forth, three bags full. I’d like to know exactly when she plans on starting that project.