Sometimes, Ya Just Need To Say Whats On Your Mind
The initial problem with any government budget deal is well, the government spends too much money, there really isn’t much that can be done about that. The secondary problem is, the republicans wanted a 38 billion dollar emergency war fund without giving anything in return. In this deal, they get some of that money in […]
The American Worker vs The American Employer
There are several misconceptions concerning employment in America today; for example, employers can get away with treating employees as if they are almost slave-like and, employees are powerless and must accept this treatment. Employers in America today hire part time workforces to do the job of a full time workforce. Why? First and foremost, […]
America Needs Barrack Obama to Be One and Done!
Why? Thats not a difficult question to answer. First of all, he promotes racial division in America by creating ” class ” warfare. He does this by blaming the predominantly white upper class for what is wrong with America, using rhetoric about the amount of taxes the ultra rich don’t pay thereby giving the illusion […]
Challenging Our System of Checks and Balances
Dear Friend, ” For 39 years, nine unelected men and women on the Supreme Court have played God with innocent human life. “ They have invented laws that condemned to painful deaths without trial more than 56 million babies for the crime of being “inconvenient.” Folks, these two irritating and dangerous statements did not come […]
Candidate Endorsement
In every Presidential Election, through the media, we hear ” key ” words and ” catch phrases ” to describe candidates. This primary election season is no different from the norm. For instance, when we hear the word ” slick, ” which candidate comes to mind? Mitt Romney. When we hear the word ” anti-establishment, […]
Over the past few weeks, I have received countless emails from countless conservative websites, organizations, candidates and other individuals, suggesting, asking and demanding that I sign a petition demanding The United States Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade, the landmark decision that cleared the way for the legalization of abortion in this country. Apparently, all […]
The Will of the People
Yesterday, I received an email from ” Grassfire Nation “, one of the conservative grassroots organizations I belong to. This in itself is not particularilly noteworthy as I get emails from them all the time, and would normally read then publish. However, upon reading the email, which was, for the most part, standard, benign rhetoric […]
Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, a democrat, is planning to introduce the ” Mainstream Fairness Act ” to the Senate after the they come back from their Easter Holiday break. The purpose of this bill is to require American citizens to pay sales tax on products they buy over the internet. I don’t necessarily have a […]
" FAIR " is FAIR!
The massacre in Arizona has once again ramped up liberal cries for a return to the ” fairness doctrine. ” I’m not going to delve into what happened in Arizona, we all know what happened, well, except the liberals. They seem to think conservatives like Sarah Palin and the like are responsible despite the fact […]
Crime Threatens Liberty
The massacre in Arizona, alledgedly by Jared Loughner, a mentally disturbed individual, has put the right to free speech by individual Americans in more peril than ever before in the history of America. Some of our country’s ” public servants ” ( those on the left side of the aisle ) and their liberal co-conspiritors […]