Sports In General

Posted by mymim on December 5, 2006 in sports |

Should we really support something so trivial as sports.

In the world we live in today where so many people are homeless jobless,and so very desperate.

We will sit back watching players who make ungodly amounts doing nothing.

Do they really need 15million a aseason for throwing a ball,or the kicker who is used oh so very often.

I know actors are no different .

Only a greedy nation could have fathemed the idea of this stupid concept.

Maybe if working stiffs were honored and valued as much as celebs people could actually get along.

What would there be to fight over if you were not struggling to keep up with the Jones’s



  • highlysuspect says:

    I’ve known proffessional athletes, entertainers, and politicians. I’ve never met one that was worth the exorbant amount of money they are paid! The reality is, the media puts an enormous amount of time an energy into promoting, and reporting EVERYTHING these people do! They are in our faces 24\7! It is this that commands big salaries for these people! If the media didn’t report this garbage, the money would not be there! If I have to endure one more night of the whole Britney-K-Fed thing, I will go screaming into the night, never to be heard from again! The problem is, people eat this garbage up! It’s sickening!

    The other part of your argument about how desperate people are, I can only say this, as americans we have the right to chose what we hold near and dear to our hearts, You and I will never be able to stop the pro athlete from being obscenely overpaid. The one thing I can tell you, if people stand up and let their voices be heard, change is possible! Also, there are people every one of us can go to get help. Some people are to proud, or to lazy, or whatever to do it. You can not blame everything on the government and pro sports!

    Finally, my point on the bcs, simply this there is a bowl game for everyone, except those of us that want EVERYTHING! (College athletes don’t get paid)

  • Mymim says:

    Point taken and I strongly agree,
    Media hype is to blame for numerous things.
    But does media spread make felons rich ?
    There is usually hype about upcoming trials or wrong doings that get there 15 minutes of fame as we well know without being specific to what I am refering.But does that person have a set life now because they were in the media.
    Nope instead thier life will never be the same.
    So then why say media is the reason behind high paid sports figures.
    If we sold ring side tickets to executions would people pay $500 for season tickets and fill the court rooms.
    Or Have a camera crew follow average Joe all day long through his boring mondane job would that make the next prime time sitcom.
    I do agree we make the rich even richer by feeding the hype maybe some day the truley amazing things regular people do will shine through .
    For now those of us who have made a real difference in someone eles life will have to settle for self gradafication because there is no million dollar door prize in our future.

    Later Peace out and godsbe

  • highlysuspect says:

    The system is designed so felons don’t profit from crime. However, none of us are niave enough to believe that. The fact of the matter is, profit doesn’t have to be financial, it can be with the notoriaty gained; or the family of the felon tells their story and profits.
    Would people pay to see public executions? Of course they would! Why wouldn’t they? In a world where “REALITY TV” reigns supreme, that is the ultimate reality show. Think about it.

  • Mymim says:

    As moranic as reality tv shows are I myself would like to think they draw the line somewhere.
    Yes we have seen so called court drama air on tv such as O.J. AND ECT ,
    but look what became of that talk about wanting notarity come on write a book on how you would have done it if you have done it,
    As if thereis a person alive who thinks you didn’t.
    My point was simply this hype in any way shape or form is just that hype.
    There are ads for erection cream all day long doesn’t mean the male population is running out to buy it.
    Ads for diet this diet that does it mean it really works?
    It kind of makes us seem like puppets on a string to think that media and hype controls are dicisions .
    I myself will cut the strings and choose to be an individual who thinks for herself And in my perfect world overpaid is overpaid….

  • highlysuspect says:

    I’m not saying that the hype controls our decisions. What I am saying is this, without the hype, there is no market for this crap. Michael Jackson, Oj Simpson, Robert Blake, Tom Cruise; if the media doesn’t exploit it it doesn’t exist in the real world! The media brings out the weirdos, the curios and morbid idiots who feed off this crap! I like being an individual who thinks for himself there are not enough of us in this world!
    FYI O.J. kept the money!

  • Mymim says:

    Ok we’ll end this debate with this.
    People need to feed less off the media crap and wake up to the constant chaos that is around us everyday and everywhere.
    Then the o.j’s,tom’s and the rest of the posers will start to fade away..
    sound about right to you…..

    see ya later.

  • highlysuspect says:

    You got it.

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