Email from the MRC

Posted by highlysuspect on March 12, 2010 in politics |

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President


Enough is enough! It’s time to take a stand! We need to stand up for our principles and make our voices heard. It’s time to stop being the silent majority. Stop being “politically correct” amongst our friends and families. Our country’s future depends on our willingness to act boldly!

– David


The liberal media continue to lie, omit, and distort the news to help the President push his socialist agenda! Here are just a couple recent examples …

+ + Liberal Media: Some Protestors Good, Some Bad

On Tuesday evening, as a relatively small number of left-wing labor groups took to the streets in protest against the health insurance industry, ABC and CBS passed along sympathetic anecdotes … a stark departure from their coverage of the much larger Tea Parties and anti-ObamaCare rallies across the nation during the past year.

Tugging at heartstrings, CBS’s Katie Couric set up the story on how “angry protestors targeted the health insurance industry,” before throwing to CBS reporter Nancy Cordes. Cordes had found an 11 year-old boy who “flew here from Seattle” to protest, blaming the health insurance industry for his mother’s death. With cameras rolling, the young boy delivered a perfect soundbite: “She ended up passing away because she didn’t have the equal rights to health care as some people with more money.”

However no such heart-wrenching sentiment could be found during the network’s coverage of the nationwide Tea Parties. Instead, networks attached labels like “ugly” and “unruly” to those protestors. Many in the media continue to paint those attending Tea Parties and anti-ObamaCare protests as haters and racists.

Click here for the full MRC Bias Alert report.

+ + Liberal Media: Americans Opposed to ObamaCare? That’s News to Us!

A new Rasmussen poll found that 55 percent of Americans believe that Congress should throw the current health care plan out and start fresh, suggesting that President Obama’s recent campaign visits aren’t swaying the public. But if you’re getting your news from the liberal media, chances are you didn’t hear about this.

The study goes on to say that only 37 percent of Americans think Congress should continue to build on the bill Democrats have been debating for nearly a year …

Luckily, the Media Research Center’s own reported these latest Rasmussen findings.

Click here to read the complete story

Throughout this protracted and contentious ObamaCare debate, the so-called “news” media have time and time again failed to deliver a clear, complete and accurate account of what’s in Obama’s plan, what it will cost, and what the potential unintended consequences could be.

+ + We Need to Fight Back!

The liberal media have never seen a big-government program they didn’t like. With their assistance, the Left is successfully driving our country further and further from our founding principles of limited government and individual liberty.

That’s why MRC Founder Brent Bozell was among the very first to add his name to the historic Mount Vernon Statementreaffirming his commitment to the Constitution and a return to our founding principles.

Since then, American patriots by the tens of thousands have been signing this important document as a sign of solidarity with fellow conservatives who are drawing a line in the sand to protect our liberties and our principles.

We are grateful that you too have signed the Mount Vernon Statement, and ask that you help us spread the word to others looking to take a stand against this push to transform our nation into something our forefathers could never have imagined.

Forward this message to 20-25 friends and family members urging them to read and sign The Mount Vernon Statement by clicking here.

Thanks again for being such an integral part of all that we do at the MRC.

David Martin

P.S. Because of your efforts, more than 50,000 citizens have added their names to the historic Mount Vernon Statement. Help us cross the 60,000 threshold over the next few days by forwarding this message to 20-25 friends, urging them to click here to read and sign The Mount Vernon Statement.


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