Email from the MRC

Posted by highlysuspect on July 31, 2010 in politics |

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President



The liberal media have finally been caught with their hands in the cookie jar! Trading secret emails with political hacks about how they could get Barack Obama elected President. Now they’re trying to make the whole thing go away!

MRC Founder Brent Bozell sent an open letter to Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli, who is standing in the white-hot core of the “JournoList” scandal. Brent is outraged – as we all should be – over this “secret society” of liberal journalists, educators and political operatives who aggressively sought to help Barack Obama and demonize conservatives.

The JournoList scandal involves an invitation-only “listserv” started by liberal blogger Ezra Klein to discuss progressive politics and policy. It soon grew to several hundred reporters, bloggers, liberal activists and Democrat political activists. Portions of the messages on this listserv have leaked out showing a shocking level of message coordination with the expressed intent to elect Barack Obama and other liberals and how best to attack prominent conservatives. has a roundup of coverage here.

While most of the focus has been on the scandalous emails that are trickling out, the MRC is taking action to hold the Washington Post accountable. We are specifically targeting their policies and professional ethics and demanding full disclosure of their involvement in this scandal.

Willard, the Washington Post wants you to forget the JournoList scandal. They want you to ignore how this notorious cast of liberal characters plotted ways to shield Obama and savage conservatives and conservative ideals.

The last thing they want is for conservatives to blow the whistle and force them to take ownership and responsibility for actions that took place right under their noses!

That’s why we need your help!

We are calling on the MRC Action team to take a leadership role in demanding real, truthful answers from the Washington Post about the JournoList scandal. Click here right now to take action with Brent in holding the Washington Post accountable.

With your help, we can hold the Washington Post accountable for turning a blind eye to this blatant disregard for journalistic ethics. Brent would like to deluge the Washington Post with a sea of emails and phone calls demanding full disclosure and transparency on this issue.

The Washington Post has many times published classified information about US National Security against the wishes of our government, each time claiming that transparency and accountability were the cornerstone of a free society. All Brent is asking is that they hold themselves to the same standard!

We want to know how and why a Washington Post employee was allowed to operate such a group with impunity. How many of their own employees were part of this secret society? What steps (if any) have they taken to ensure journalistic integrity isn’t again compromised in this manner?

Take immediate action by clicking here.
+ + No One Better Ever Deny Liberal Media Bias Again!

Willard, the JournoList scandal should send shock-waves through every conservative in the nation, because these so-called journalists were plotting and planning ways to marginalize and silence the conservative voice – even if it meant grossly misleading the public.

This alignment between the media and the left is an abomination – a disturbing trend that we must end!

That’s why it is imperative that the MRC and Action team members mount a massive response. That together we take the lead to expose and neutralize this egregious demonstration of organized bias.

Because if we don’t, there’s no one standing behind us to pick up the slack!

We are calling on EVERY member of the MRC Action team to take fast action. Without these kinds of efforts exposing the liberal media mindset for the world to see, the Obama-controlled liberal media will succeed in their heinous attempts to silence conservatives. And if that happens, Willard, our life and liberty will be forever changed!

Go here now to send Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli your personalized email.

We’ve also included phone numbers for you to follow-up!

After sending your emails and making your call, alert your friends to the sinister nature of the JournoList scandal. Encourage them to read more and then follow your lead by clicking here.

Thank you in advance for taking swift action with the MRC!


P.S. Brent is calling for 100 percent response from our Action team on this effort. After sending your email and placing your call, forward this message to 20-30 conservative friends encouraging them to take action with you by clicking here


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