Email from the MRC

Posted by highlysuspect on October 18, 2010 in politics |

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President



Strap yourself in because a tsunami of tax hikes is coming on January 1, 2011. If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire, millions of Americans will be on the receiving end of the biggest tax increase in American history.

To hear the “news” media tell it, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are trying to cut middle class taxes but conservatives won’t let them! Once again, the media are deliberately misleading the American people, this time to ensure a massive tax hike on the very people we need to create the jobs that our nation continues to lose.

The Media Research Center’s Business and Media Institute (BMI) painstakingly studied the media’s coverage of the tax issue, and the results are astounding. Read BMI’s Special Report exposing the liberal media’s bias in reporting the coming massive tax hikes.

While there is bipartisan support in both houses of Congress not to raise taxes on anyone during a recession. House Speaker Pelosi went home to campaign, refusing to even debate the issue of the massive tax hike scheduled to go into effect. This should surprise no one, as this was also the first Congress to not bother to pass a budget since the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. If a Republican-led Congress had been so irresponsible, the liberal media would have been outraged. But with liberals running Congress, the media are instead distorting the debate and attacking the minority party.

Click here to access the full BMI report

. The truth they’re hiding is that, in January, the marriage penalty will return, the child tax credit is being cut in half, the death tax is back, capital gains tax and dividend tax rates are set to jump. All of these increases are in addition to income tax hikes, with a 50% increase on the lowest tax bracket.

Instead, the media are talking about tax cuts!!

Our analysts monitored MSNBC, CNN and Fox News Channel and discovered 27 of the prime-time news programs framed the debate around tax cuts, compared to just two that spoke in terms of tax increases.

+ + Liberal Media to Americans: “Tax Cuts are a ‘cost'”

When Obama swept into office, the liberal media hailed him as a tax cutter. We now know this to be patently false. However the media refuse to budge on their talking points. They erroneously suggest that tax cuts are a “cost” that must be paid for– an argument that assumes all money belongs to the government, rather than to the American people.The depth of the liberal media’s lies, distortions and misrepresentations in the tax debate underscores just how far from the truth they are willing to wander

. Any lingering questions about the media’s agenda can be answered by this one special report.That’s why the role of the MRC is so vital, and why we are so dependent on our grassroots Action team to shine the light of truth into this media pit of darkness.

Willard, for many of us, the tax debate is complex and confusing. Make no mistake, it has been intentionally muddled by the liberal media to keep us in the dark and make it easier for them to take more of our hard earned money.

Help combat the actions of the liberal media by

forwarding this message to your friends today, urging them to read this report. Encourage your friends to sign our “Tell The Truth!” petition and help us reach and open the eyes of millions of Americans who are being deceived by the liberal media.As always, thank you for standing with the MRC.



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