NBC: Maybe ‘Near Catastrophic Financial Reaction’ Will Bring House GOP in Line on Debt Ceiling

Posted by Raw Editor on July 22, 2011 in politics |

Appearing on Thursday’s NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd lamented no deal being reached on the debt ceiling and solely blamed House Republicans: “Nobody has a plan that can get through the Republican-controlled House of Representatives….that’s the issue. House Republicans don’t like any of these ideas that are coming out of the Senate.”

Co-host Matt Lauer wondered if a plan being worked out between Senators Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid was “now dead” because of House GOP opposition. Todd floated a theory on how conservative members of Congress might fall in line: “…some sort of TARP-like moment…where the House voted down the big bailout of the banks, the markets reacted and then Congress voted again….that might be the only way something gets through the House….it actually probably would lead to the bigger deal after the near catastrophic financial reaction.”


Here is a full transcript of the July 21 segment:


7:09AM ET

MATT LAUER: Meantime, in Washington, the temperature will soar today. This as talks heat up over finding a way to raise the debt ceiling with the deadline now just twelve days away. But the President and congressional Republicans may actually be moving further apart. Chuck Todd is NBC’s chief White House correspondent and political director. Chuck, good morning to you.

via NBC: Maybe ‘Near Catastrophic Financial Reaction’ Will Bring House GOP in Line on Debt Ceiling.


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