Notes from the Rush Limbaugh Show: 8-30-07

Posted by highlysuspect on August 31, 2007 in politics |

First-time substitute host, Jason Lewis of KTLK-FM in Minneapolis, filled in for Rush on Thursday.

The Virginia Tech report is out and it demonstrates that we have a public policy problem with gun-free zones. It also shows we have some poorly written laws, like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and Americans with Disabilities Act, that prevent universities from suspending mentally ill students out of fear of discrimination lawsuits. These two things could have prevented much of the carnage at VA Tech and other places. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

New Democrat theme: No Tragedy Left Behind. There isn’t a crisis or misfortune the left won’t exploit: Wellstone, Katrina, Cindy Sheehan. The latest example is the Minnesota bridge collapse. With bodies still in the water, Rep. James Oberstar held a press conference at the site and demanded a federal gas tax hike. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

If terrorists ever get nukes we are in serious trouble. The American left does not consider the real possibility of our country’s annihilation.

Ask the average guy on the street: “Should the commander-in-chief and the United States government spy on bad guys who want to blow us up?” Unless they’re a dope-smoking, plastic-banana, good-time rock-n-roller, they’ll answer yes. This is war, not crime. The left treats it as the latter, which is incredibly dangerous.

The Hillary fundraising scandal is a pattern, and it has tentacles all over the Democrat Party.

The GAO says we’ve wasted a billion dollars in the Katrina cleanup. It’s another example of what happens when you throw gobs of money at a problem. The money disappears, but the problem usually doesn’t.

Your private life is over once you enter the White House, and to a large degree, public office. Larry Craig’s position on gay marriage is irrelevant to whatever happened in that bathroom. This is about personal conduct, not policy.

Just one more day without Rush, folks. Jason Lewis hosts again tomorrow and a Best of Rush show will air on Labor Day. The tanned and rested Maha will be back behind the Golden EIB Microphone on Tuesday.

Check out all that, plus the best of Rush at


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