Notes from the Rush Limbaugh Show: 9-6-07

Posted by highlysuspect on September 7, 2007 in politics |

Oprah is flying in an Ethiopian chef for her Obama fundraiser. He’ll be bringing home leftovers.

Popcorn Lung is out there. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

You have to hear our latest sound bite from Chuck Schumer. He admits there’s peace in Anbar, the province Democrats once used as “proof” that we’d lost the war in Iraq. Schumer then spins the good news by saying peace came about “despite the surge,” because Sunnis and Shi’ites have united to do the job the US military failed to do! There would be outrage over this in America, if only the Drive-Bys would cover it. This is treasonous. The Democrat attempts to undermine the war and discredit General Petraeus are beyond the pale, worse than anything that went on in Vietnam, and it will lead them to a landslide defeat — eventually. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

The Democrats are bashing the Petraeus report before it comes out by calling it the “Bush Report.” They don’t understand our enemy, and they certainly don’t understand counterinsurgency strategy, which is working in Iraq.

Two members of the Seattle Seahawks gave President Bush a Seahawks jersey at a Washington State fundraiser. Liberal Seattle fans deluged the players and the team with hate-filled calls and e-mails. These mental midgets should get a life. Rush breaks his new vow not to tell personal stories by relating a story of a military fly-over he saw at the Super Bowl in San Diego some years ago. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

A Federal Trade Commission report says there was no price gouging by Big Oil after Katrina. Remember Chuckie Schumer’s press conferences at gas stations, demanding an investigation? Where is his apology?

iPhones drop in price by 30%, and we all have Rush to thank for that.

Tunisian prisoners at Club Gitmo are trying to stay there. They don’t want to go home!

The Drive-Bys are panting in excitement that a new tropical storm might hit the East Coast.

Rush analyzes the GOP debate and Fred Thompson’s announcement on Jay Leno. The post-debate focus group of voters on Fox declared McCain the winner. That makes sense, because he sounded the most like Rush. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

Clinton money bundler Norman Hsu disappears. The NY Times thinks it’s “bizarre” that a person who has disappeared twice before disappeared again. Don’t be surprised if he turns up dead, folks.

A liberal named Irv called in with a litany of complaints, but he’s one of the few liberals we’ve found to be concerned about our troops. We thank him for that.

All that and more will be at when we update the site.


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