Painfully obvious

Posted by mymim on February 7, 2007 in misc |

let me start with one big pet peeve.

The painfully obvious why is it people can have things right in front of thier face and still question  it.

here is my most recent example ; hotel stays there are signs telling you what time is check in and what time is check out so why is it people stay past check out time and then question why they are charged for another day.

Or they say they have one pet but sneak in five…

I work in a hotel and I have to say people are down right ignorant.

do we really have to put up a sign for every individual policy.

should we be like Mc donalds and have hot written on coffee cups because the painfully obvious is yes its a cup of coffee it may be hot.

well here is a clue people if you don’t want to be extra charged for pets don’t bring them if you don’t want to be charged for an extra day leave at the proper time and last but not least if you have a problem with the room say something then don’t complain 6 hours later…………… we don’t all carry around flashing neon signs that read idiot so think twice before  being one,



  • highlysuspect says:

    Perhaps the flashing neon idiot signs are a good idea. The only problem being this, we would have to make one for every democrat, every jackass and every ignoramous in the world. Where the hell would all of those batteries come from?

    The other points, give people an inch, they’ll take a mile.

  • amathy says:

    Ha Ha it would be nice if people had signs so we would know how to talk to them, people ASSume too many things, but they never understand the obvious. They think everything should be handed to them and they should be able to do whatever they want, just because they payed $50 for a hotel room. I think on my 3rd day of work some man complaining that our room was too small, summed it up, he said, “This isn’t the Marriott” No Sir, It’s not. Did you pay $100 for your room tonight? Because I am sure the $100 room at the Marriott is probably about the same size anyway. He also complained that the room smelled, well if you ask for a smoking room, it just may smell like smoke, I am sure it’s just the same at the Marriott. And I am sure even at the Marriott they wouldn’t put up with the bs that people think they are entitled to. Just like all of these people who think that even though we do not have microwaves in all of the rooms, what are there like 7 that have them, and do not charge extra for the ones that do. Everyone thinks that they are entitled to have one in their room and whine and whine when they can’t have one because it’s not available. Is it that hard to jump on the elevator and use the one in the lobby. It is a small hotel, there are only what 80 rooms….get off your lazy ass and go to the lobby. People want everything for nothing, and don’t want to pay for the consequences when they don’t follow the rules. We need to stop giving people that inch, so they are not tempted to take a mile!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Is shooting them an option? I could write a 5000 page book about the idiots that have fequented that place over the last six years. Its amazing exactly how neurotic people can be.

  • amathy says:

    we need to send them all to an island, tell them they wone a spot on the show Survivor, except noone ever comes back for them, they will probably end up eating each other alive!! That sounds like a happy ending to me!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    How about this, we send them to live on the shores of the Nile river, to live with the crocodiles.

  • mymim says:

    How about my favorite $1.06 safe cahrge people have a shit fit over a dollar I would love to take every one dollar bill from my wallet lay it on the counter and set it on fire in front of these big cry babies.
    they’ll come down and blow $20.00 in the vending machaines but whine about the safe charge..
    What we really need to do is line them all up out in our parking lt and slowly run back and forth over them until they just shut up.
    I have stayed in hotels that cost $200 a night and guess what they have problems too so face it if you want the comforts of home stay the hell home……
    forget survivor put them on fear factor and make them eat cock roaches….

  • amathy says:

    forget cock roaches, how about scorpions….better yet cow brains…..maybe some brains would be good for them…..

  • highlysuspect says:

    Or, we ship them to Canada for some Mad cow brains, if ya catch my meaning.

  • mymim says:

    poor cows what did they do?

  • highlysuspect says:

    You all should try working in a supermarket. Its ignorance at an art form. These people think they own the place. Not to mention employees have to have eyes circling their heads. They expext us to know they are literally three inches behind us despite the fact they tiptoed up to a table. Fortuneatelly, I have had the oppurtunity or perhaps dumb luck to catch a few with inadvertant elbows and the occasional crate of corn. A small manner of revenge, to be sure.

  • mymim says:

    I have also had the pleasure of working at a store Walmart..
    talk about dodging bullets work in retail on black friday and make it out alive.over some stupid item that will cost less two weeks later anyway.
    People act as if nothing that they do should be held accountable.
    I love being hit in the ankles by some idiot pushing their cart or cut off in the middle of turning into an isle.
    Lets not leave out Senoir Citizen day loooooooook out……
    long lines manic episodes if you don’t give them thier 20% off and do they really need all that cat food?
    who’s eating it them or thier cats.

  • amathy says:

    LOL….I know mymim, poor cows, but they’re going to kill them anyway! and most of them are smarter than the jackasses we encounter every day. Yeah, i did the black friday thing at walmart once and it was outa control!!! And why do people wake up their 3, 4, 5ish children up at 4 in the morning to bring them to walmart??? i guess if they’ll bring them there at 11/12 at night what’s the difference. when i went to walmart on black friday, the bigger cabbage patch dolls were on sale for like $20(as opposed to the 30 they were going for) , i went to aj wright and they were $15, even better, and noone was fighting for anything there on black friday!! Black Friday is just stupid if you ask me!!! it just allows people to act stupid and drive stupid for no apparant reason!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Black friday, Radio Shack for SIX years!

  • amathy says:

    You are one brave soul!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Baby, you have no idea!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Shovel me out, Clean off my car, clean me a room after working all night because i’m a whiney little FED-EX driver and i can’t share a room with a co-worker. The hotel concept should be OUTLAWED! We need to mke these asswholes sleep in tents in a field somewhere! Someone needs to tell them George washington and the troops at Valley Forge did not have hotels to stay in. They slept in tents along the river in the winter! They didn’t cry about having to share it! They had more important things to worry about! IDIOTS< THEY'RE ALL IDIOTS!

  • amathy says:

    To the fed ex drivers who can’t share a room, not a bed, but a room. Wouldn’t you rather have a bigger raise at your yearly review, or would you rather have your own hotel room every time you need to stay over?? basically they cost their company double last night, and i am sure the next time i need to send something fed ex it will be a rip off as usual!!! They were all showing up in 4’s when i was there, and seemed to know each other, the ones that came in together. So it’s not like anyone asked them to bunk with a perfect stranger. Obviously Fed Ex spoiled them once or twice and now they are spoiled bratz and expect it every time, I wish we didn’t have enough rooms last night, then they would have had no choice!!! They didn’t even deserve tents, next time fed ex should make them sleep on top of their trucks, no sleeping bag, no where to shower!!!!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    That’s exactly right! These idiots didn’t deserve the treatment they got. What pissed me off was the jackass at the terminal that called me and was told we didn’t have any rooms and sent me people anyway! I really wanted to slap him in the head! Still do.

  • highlysuspect says:

    Last night, this crazed spanish speaking couple checked in and the dude wanted a cd changer for the bathroom and the woman wanted me to bring her a coke. I just don’t understand!

  • amathy says:

    WOW, These people want the world handed to them on a silver platter!!! so Someone just called down needing an extention cord, because of the electronics that they brought with them, and when i said we do not have one, she said well, that’s a problem…..well lady, not my problem yours!!!!!! And then someone else calls down asking if we have ginger ale because she has a belly ache, i said, well there’s sprite in the soda machine, she says well, that’s not the same. Well, you can walk to price chopper, I can’t walk that far………seriously did she think I would volunteer to do it for her???? there’s 2 people staying in your room, did you pay $200/ a night to stay here, no this is not a full service hotel, it is a Days Inn!!!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    What the hell is the freakin deal with these idiots? Enough is enough! One of us should pop one of them!

  • highlysuspect says:

    This is for my nephew, little Ray.

    My sister,( Ray’s mother) picked me up from work this morning and had to pick up a friends kid and bring him to school. We got to the child’s house, my sister got out of the car and started walking up the walk, I made the observation that she was wearing black boots ( we do have a name for them, however, this is a family show), with stiletto heels. I watched her very carefully go up to the house to get the kid, Upon returning, she walked sideways down the slight incline to the car. I should point out that the sidewalk was ice and snow covered, which brings up this question, who in their right mind might would wear stiletto heels knowing she had to walk on ice? Also, is it necessary to wear them at 8:00am when taking the children to school?

    Please bear in mind, when commenting, my nephew will be reading this. I wrote this at his request, because he was amused by it. I’m an not in any way criticizing my sistr, just making an observation.

  • highlysuspect says:

    Sometime last week I got food from one of the few fast food chains that has an open drive through after 11:00pm. Upon recieving the food, I made the observation that the fries were colder than the soda! and yes, there was ice in the soda. My question is, how do businesses like this stay in business serving ice cold fries? I just don’t get it. Suffice to say, I will not be getting food from this particular restaurant that late again.

  • highlysuspect says:

    Will that be cash or credit sir? Neither, I’ll just give you a bunch of numbers and you can deposit that in the bank. What the hell do people think? That we’re morons?!

  • highlysuspect says:


  • kathy says:

    why would you touch yor eyeball while driving?
    as for the cold fries I would rather have cold fries than get some stupid shit that I did not order.
    Or my dirty fork like I got at Olive Garden.
    just can’t catch a break………

  • highlysuspect says:

    My sister has a thing for her eyeballs.

    with the fries my point is this, they were colder than the soda which had ice in it!

  • amathy says:

    I just need to understand, you drive to the hotel, you drive through the parking lot to get to the lobby to check into the hotel. When you check in you ask where do I park? Are people really this stupid???? you just drove through the parking lot, that would be where you park, get it, PARKing Lot, next time I am asking them to park at Price Chopper because they need the excercise!!!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Why do people find it necessary to call a hotel at 2:00am and bust the chops of the night auditor. Some guy called me last night to see if we had rooms available, which we did. He imformed me he was a large man and needed two beds in the room as he had his fried with him. I told him the beds were two double beds. He asked me if they would be big enough for two people in each bed in case him and his buddy ” got lucky”. Then , he asked me if I was ‘ excited” about him and his buddy coming to the hotel.

    Yea thats right some fat bastard and his wingman are gonna get two ladies to go to a hotel and share a room and have sex with this two jabronies. Three words bud, FAT FREAKIN CHANCE! And, to think I would give a rats ass that your coming, why the hell would I care? I suggest you grow up, numb nuts! Next time you get the nerve to annoy me, stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. JACKASS!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Exactly what part of ” I’m not calling my boss at 3:30am to ask him a question I allready know the answer to!” do they not understand!  These drunk asswholes just don’t get it. The price of the room is what it is. I don’t care if its 6:00am, I’m not charging you half. If you don’t want to pay the price, stay the hell home!

  • highlysuspect says:

    If you are staying at a hotel and paying with a credit card, you must take the card out of your purse or wallet and give it to me!.. I don’t know the numbers on your card! I don’t have x-ray vision! And I’m not good at mental telepathy! MORONS!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Why must these people spell everything? The next time some jackass spells his name, the street he lives on and the city he lives in for no good reason i’m going to spell his name like this; A S S H O L E!

    Don’t even get me started on the skank looking for the condom machine!

  • highlysuspect says:

    These jackoffs are told when they check in; BREAKFAST IS AT 6:00am not 5:05 not 5:30, six freakin o’clock! Why do the refuse to understand that?

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