Notes from the Rush Limbaugh Show: 9-28-07

Posted by highlysuspect on September 28, 2007 in politics |

On today’s show, Rush broke down the anatomy of the left’s latest smear against him:

1) The Clinton-Soros Group Media Matters for America takes Rush out of context and reports that he called soldiers who oppose the war in Iraq “phony soldiers.”

2) The Drive-By Media runs with the lie.

3) A reporter challenges President Bush’s spokeswoman to repudiate the quote (that Rush never said.)

4) Democrat senators and House members trip over themselves to condemn Rush, demanding he apologize (for what he never said) and challenging Republicans to condemn him.

If reporters had bothered to check the transcripts and audio at, or even to call the EIB Network for comment, they wouldn’t look like such fools. Rush was talking about phony soldier Jesse MacBeth. MacBeth portrayed himself as a decorated Iraq war veteran who opposed the war. Since “Corporal” MacBeth fit the left’s anti-war template, the Drive-By Media lapped up his lies. The truth? Mr. MacBeth was just sentenced to five months in jail for being…a phony soldier. MacBeth never served in Iraq, never won a Purple Heart, never reached the rank of corporal, was never an Army Ranger — and therefore never could have witnessed war crimes against Iraqi civilians as he claimed. In fact, MacBeth washed out of Army boot camp after 44 days. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

Rush reminds us of how Democrats smeared General Petraeus, and how John Kerry, Jack Murtha and Dick Durbin attacked our rank-and-file soldiers based on lies. The full transcript of these comments is posted at The Dittocam video of Rush’s opening monologue is up on YouTube. Will the media bother to look at either?

The left had to go to a phony soldier to give them bad news out of Iraq. They need bad news because they’re invested in defeat, and cannot accept the fact that the surge has brought Sunnis over to our side and away from Al-Qaeda. Frederick Kagan’s piece in then Wall Street Journal, “Why We’re Winning Now in Iraq,” details the anti-war left’s worst nightmare. The tide has turned, so much so that every major Democrat presidential candidate has committed to staying in Iraq through 2013. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

In other news, a conservative caller is ready to surrender to “free” government-run healthcare. Another free Mrs. Clinton idea is $5,000 for every child born in America to invest. Sounds a lot like President Bush’s evil scheme to allow you to invest 3% of your Social Security taxes, but Hillary’s a Democrat, and that makes it cool.

A new John Edwards ad trots out wife Elizabeth to exploit her cancer again by claiming, “You never know how much time you have left.” Is this another “ten strike” as the media declared after the Edwards cancer press conference?

The George Soros front group Americans Coming Together has been hit with a $775,000 fine for more funny money shenanigans with the Hillary campaign. It’s time to drape her campaign HQ in yellow police tape. It’s a crime scene, folks. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here).

AP says Hillary is taking the “time honored position” of dodging questions when you’re the front runner. Talk about rationalizing! In addition, the Washington Post trashes Tim Russert for daring to ask Mrs. Clinton questions. She’s not going to be able to hide behind this don’t-hit-the-girl routine for much longer.

All this and much more on, on the Internet for everyone — even members of the media — to read, hear and see.


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