Email from Liberty Counsel Action

Posted by Raw Editor on March 25, 2013 in politics |

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action


For once, elected officials appear to be listening to their constituents! They are getting the message that Americans are demanding answers to the 9/11/12 Benghazi terrorist attacks.
Fox News is reporting that Speaker of the House John Boehner convened a special meeting “bringing in the chairmen of the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Government Oversight committees, as well as Republican Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John McCain of Arizona, and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire” to move the Benghazi investigation forward.

Several agreements emerged from the highly unusual meeting:  There are “anomalies” in the published testimonies, gaps still exist in the administrations’ timeline, and the Obama administration must be forced to provide access to the survivors.
The leaders all agreed to share information, pool their findings, and vowed to have a unified, comprehensive report in a matter of weeks!

++Senator Lindsey Graham spearheaded this breakthrough. A day before this unusual bi-chamber meeting, Senator Graham announced a significant part of what the Obama administration is trying to cover up in Benghazi-gate: The magnitude of gunrunning and fighter recruitment – even involving jihadist organizations – to oppose Syrian government forces through the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya.
Graham’s assertions opened up another window into the Benghazi attacks and subsequent cover-up. He categorically blames President Obama – the Commander in Chief – for the death of Ambassador Stevens.
++We CAN handle the truth!
Senator Graham has led the charge in the Senate calling for a full investigation, but he contends…

“…my Democratic colleagues in the Senate have shown no interest in getting to the bottom of Benghazi. If this were Bush, they’d be all over it.”
“The Democratic senators have given the President a pass when it comes to Benghazi. The House cannot give him a pass.”

These breakthroughs have been made possible by tremendous grassroots campaigns from groups like Liberty Counsel Action, relentless pursuit by Senators Graham and McCain, and a resolution introduced by Representative Frank Wolfe, which is co-sponsored by more than 60 congressmen.
Willard, because of a tremendous outpouring of support the past few days on our united effort calling on Congress for a complete investigation, for strategic reasons I have asked my staff to wait a little longer to deliver the petitions to Capitol Hill.
Right now, we have over 87,000 petition signers – and I absolutely believe we can deliver 100,000 signers by later this week!
Liberty Counsel Action is hand delivering our petition demanding a full investigation into the Benghazi attacks and cover-up to the offices of Senators Graham, Reid, and McConnell – as well as to Representatives Wolfe, Boehner, and Cantor. Having 100,000 signers will make a powerful statement, indeed!
I want to maximize the impact of our grassroots team. That’s why I’m asking our friends who have signed the petition to also schedule their personal faxes for immediate delivery to Congress.
Willard, your petition demanding a full congressional investigation into Behghazi is on file and will be delivered in a matter of days. Now, I’m asking you to go the “extra mile” with Liberty Counsel Action and help me flood key congressional offices with faxes demanding justice!

Only this type of united grassroots initiatives will result in a full investigation and the truth on the Benghazi cover-up. Your faxes can help add to the rising grassroots voice demanding truth!
With a simple click of a button, we will send as many as 87 faxes to all the key leaders in both the House and Senate as well as your two Pennsylvania Senators and Representative – each fax demanding a full investigation into the Benghazi debacle. Go here:

Thank you for signing the Benghazi petition and for your faithful partnership with me and with Liberty Counsel Action.
May God continue to richly bless you!
Mathew D. Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. Once again, please consider going the “extra mile” by joining with other Liberty Counsel friends who are scheduling their faxes to Congress.Go here:

P.P.S. If you would like more information, or would like to post your own comment on the Obama-Benghazi cover-up, please see our recent posts on our website:
Benghazi survivors silenced:
Benghazi breaking news:
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