Email from Liberty Counsel

Posted by Raw Editor on August 14, 2013 in politics |

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
As the IRS scandal inches ever closer to implicating the White House, a revealing USA Today report shows that the IRS is still using the same system of review they were before the scandal broke!  No review policy has changed.

Tea Party and conservative groups are still being subjected to exhaustive and targeted reviews. This is outrageous and another slap in the face to the American people.  

Please read my very important update on the IRS crisis below – Mat.


Three months after the IRS scandal came to the public’s attention, the IRS has NOT changed its targeting policies in spite of citizen outrage, congressional investigations, and the misrepresentations of our President who, in the heat of the breaking news story, said…
“If, in fact, IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that have been reported on and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that is outrageous, and there is no place for it, and they have to be held fully accountable, because the IRS as an independent agency requires absolute integrity and people have to have confidence that they are applying the laws in a non-partisan way. You should feel that way regardless of party.”

In light of the administration’s later spin that it is all merely a “phony scandal,” it is hard to see this “made for TV” comment as anything less than breathtaking hypocrisy!

++The facts of the IRS scandal must be exposed.

The facts, of course, remain covered up by the administration’s stonewalling.  Just yesterday, Fox Business News ran a very telling video piece showing IRS official Lois Lerner months before the scandal broke saying that they were under tremendous pressure to “do something” to stop conservative businesses and other groups from supporting candidates.
This is the same Lois Lerner who took the Fifth Amendment so as not to incriminate herself in congressional hearings, and remains on paid leave from her duties at the IRS.
Undoubtedly, Lerner knows exactly where the “pressure to do something” was coming from and refuses to share that information.  There is a great deal more substance to this scandal than the administration is willing to discuss!

Yet, in a matter of weeks after the public disclosure, it was proclaimed to be a “phony scandal” by the Obama administration.

Representative Dave Camp, Chairman of the House Way and Means Committee, told acting IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, “IRS screeners continue to flag certain applications for secondary scrutiny based on name alone.”

Willard, I believe there is still far more to be uncovered. This investigation must be given congressional priority and handled by a Special Counsel. And it must be completely resolved before the 2014 election season gets into full swing!
Liberty Counsel’s petition calls for a complete investigation of the IRS and the establishment of a Special Counsel to direct the process.

Today, I hope you’ll join over 75,000 other patriots and add your name to our petition, which will be once again delivered to congressional leaders as a stern reminder of their duty to the citizens that elected them to office. We need 100,000 signatures on our next petition delivery to Capitol Hill for maximum impact, but I need your signature to get us closer!
Go here to sign and take a personal stand against this outrageous IRS abuse:


++The origins of the “targeting” orders circle the White House 

In prior damaging testimonies, career IRS officials in Washington told Congress that Lois Lerner ordered Tea Party cases to go through a multi-layer review that included her senior advisor and the IRS Chief Counsel’s office.
The IRS Chief Counsel’s office is led by William Wilkins, one of two Obama Administration political appointees at the IRS. The channeling of conservative applicants through the Chief Counsel was a highly unusual procedure, according to testimony before the committee.  It is yet another scathing indictment of the IRS’ lack of integrity and impartiality.

This allegation directly tied the Washington, DC, IRS office to the targeting of conservative groups, which was contrary to prior IRS official testimony – and once again reveals the strong potential of higher-level involvement than has been previously admitted.

According to CNS News, “One day after a meeting was held by IRS officials to discuss the handling of Tea Party applications, an appointment was made for William J. Wilkins, head of the IRS Chief Counsel’s Office to meet at the White House.”

Now that testimony has established another clear link between the targeting of conservative groups and the office of the IRS Chief Counsel in Washington, DC, the entire administration cover story is unraveling fast.

++Grassroots pressure is a vital part of getting to the truth.

We must continue our call for a thorough investigation by Congress, including the establishment of a Special Counsel to completely expose the IRS abuses.

And we must never back down to the leftist bullies who seek to destroy our system of government and undermine our rights as Americans.  

Our rights were trampled and the 2012 elections were manipulated because of the illegal actions of a rogue federal agency. Americans must learn who authorized “what and when”!
Is the Obama plan to carry this tactic into the 2014 elections? 

Please take a minute today to add your name to our powerful petition calling for a complete investigation headed by a Special Counsel.  Willard, it is vitally important that you join over 75,000 of your fellow concerned patriots and demand a full investigation before we deliver another round of petitions to Capitol Hill!

I urge to add your name today:  


God bless you,

P.S. As this scandal inches ever closer to higher ups in the White House, their only answer is that it is a “phony scandal.” The question is, “when will the truth emerge from the Obama administration?”

The answer is, “never” unless we hold our elected officials feet to the fire and demand action by way of a complete investigation.

Please, add your name to our petition today calling for a complete investigation by a special counsel!

+  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +


1 Comment

  • admin says:

    From: Grassfire

    + + + + + +

    Willard, thank you for signing Grassfire’s petition calling for Republicans to use whatever legislative means at their disposal to stop ObamaCare from becoming a nightmarish reality.

    Through this grassroots effort, Americans have one final opportunity to hold their elected officials accountable regarding ObamaCare.

    Forward the message below to your friends and invite them to join you by clicking below and signing our petition.
    + + + + + +

    Dear friend,

    The next 60 days may one-day be looked upon by historians as the most important in our nation’s history … and how you respond to this message, could directly impact whether or not ObamaCare becomes a reality for millions of Americans on January 1, 2014.

    On October 1, every man, woman and child living in the U.S. will have to enroll in ObamaCare … setting into motion a domino effect of disaster that many are predicting will destroy our economy and our healthcare system …

    And Obama knows it.

    Fearful of the “electoral accountability” he recently delayed the employer mandate for large corporations until after the election.
    ?If the plan were so good as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) argues, Obama would want the mandates in place before the election.

    He’s also spending more than $700 million, and tapping Hollywood elites to help “sell” his unworkable plan to the American people in the coming months.

    That’s right. ever the salesman, Obama believes he has sold you an expensive car that will never start.

    But you have a one last opportunity … a chance to make a final statement leading to the October 1 sign-up. …

    I’ve just signed a national petition demanding House and Senate Republicans use any and every legislative means at their disposal, including defunding, delaying or dismantling ObamaCare, and I’m inviting you to join me by clicking below:


    Don’t let even one more day slip by without having taken action against ObamaCare. Click below and join the thousands of freedom-loving patriots who object to Obama’s healthcare tyranny.


    Again, don’t delay. Grassfire is preparing to hand-deliver petitions to Republicans in both the House and Senate in the days and weeks ahead. To ensure that your petition is delivered during future deliveries, click below to sign your name:



    Willard Masters

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