Enough Is Enough…

Posted by mymim on April 8, 2007 in politics |

While it is important for us to keep up with what is going on in the world.

This war is rammed down our throats.

No American alive wants this war to go on except for the stupid politicians and the idiots that work for them.

My heart goes out to the soliders fallen and alive fighting for a country that puts its own ego ahead of it’s peoples well being. It is time to say enough is enough move on there will never be peace between us and the middle east.

This war has gone on for many years we just can’t except that we are not in complete control of it all.

Did Bush run for president of the united states or is he somehow shooting for ruler of the world.

I for one think the topic should change from war to things people can actually agree on leave out faith beliefs and politics.

No two minds will ever agree on those subjects.

Life is short enough without throwing panic and rage into the picture.

There has been enough heated debates on this site alone to prove that it is time to come to some type of mutual understanding about this nonsense war and become a united nation once again.

If we cannot come to understand the true meaning behind this horrific event then thousands of our brothers and sisters died for nothing.

How can we look these friends and family in the face as they return or deploy if we can not at least try to get what it’s all about.

They enlisted in our military because they believe we are worth fighting for are we that selfish to think the point is mute.



  • highlysuspect says:

    Kathy, First of all, I’m not exactly sure what mean in this statement; “I for one think the topic should change from war to things people can actually agree on leave out faith beliefs and politics.” If it is what I think you mean, I don’t aree with you. There is no sense or logic in debating subjects we agree on.

    As for people not wanting their loved ones to deploy to a war zone, you are right about one thing, they new what they were potentially signing up for. That does not take away the rights of their family to oppose the war!

  • Jensmar says:

    No one signed up for an endless war…

    I get what the war is about. 84% of the population get what the war is about. And just because many don’t support it, doesn’t mean we don’t support/understand/sympathize with our loved ones who are selflessly putting their lives on the line for what has become a disaster.

    I disagree with you on the fact that we shouldn’t be talking about war, politics, faith and beliefs. Why not? If we can’t do it here, where can we talk about it? Unfortunately, that is the attitude that inhibits our society from rational thought on the subjects.

  • amathy says:

    I do not think there will ever be mutul understanding or agreement on this war. I think the one thing that everyone can and should agree on is, if you do not support the war, at least support the troops and their families. “How can we look these friends and family in the face as they return or deploy if we can not at least try to get what it’s all about.” We may not be able to make sense of why our troops are over there, and what exactly they are fighting for, but ask anyone of our troops who comes back from Iraq or Iran or Afghanastan and they know and understand, what we never will about these countries, and what is really going on there.

  • highlysuspect says:

    We should always support our troops, without question. Its the government we should question and second guess.

  • mymim says:

    I did not mean it should never be discussed i just meant it should not be all we talk about.
    Hell there is alot of stuff we can all disagree on .
    Right down to who is worse to deal with Red necks or canadians but as you see we will always have different views on things and maybe some times it doesn’t have to be over something that effects so many people so personally.

  • Jensmar says:

    Everything effects someone personally at some point. Where do you draw the line?

  • highlysuspect says:

    you don’t draw the line, because you can’t. I know. Don’t really want to go any further than that.

  • kathy says:

    Ok I am holding up the white flag on this one Jen and Will……
    I don’t want another war between the three of us.
    Besides there is so much fun stuff we can debate over …..

    peace out .

  • highlysuspect says:

    I’m wrong. I do want to go a little farther. I created this site to be a voice for all of us whether we agree with eath other or not. The debate on every issue is usually spirited and sometimes emotional. How do we get the point across if we don’t ARGUE? Especially on issues important to us! The only way to know want we think and feel is to put it out there. That’s what creates understanding and PEACE!

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