Bill O’Reilly: Column – A Blameless, Clueless President

Posted by Raw Editor on October 15, 2015 in politics |

Charles Krauthammer frequently quips that he is no longer a practicing psychiatrist. But the good doctor put our president on the proverbial couch this week and declared him ‘delusional.’ Not once, but twice in the same segment.Of course, it doesn’t take a trained shrink to conclude that President Obama sometimes seems to inhabit another world. It’s a realm where everything he does, or has ever done, is pretty much on the money. A world where he is doing a bang-up job. A place where only Republicans and Fox News don’t recognize the wisdom of his governance.Dr. K’s perspicacious diagnosis was in reaction to the president’s sit-down on ’60 Minutes,’ where he was pressed surprisingly hard by Steve Kroft. Even Kroft, who often goes pretty easy on the big guy, looked incredulous when President Obama assured him that the ‘community of nations’ will eventually destroy ISIS.Have you seen that elusive ‘community of nations’ stepping up to the plate in the Middle East? Didn’t think so. It’s a community talked about in the faculty lounge, but seldom found in the real world.Then there was President Obama’s declaration that he knew all along that training moderate Syrians to fight Assad was doomed to failure. Why, then, did we authorize $500-million and wind up with four or five trained fighters? Not four or five platoons. Four or five men willing and able to confront the Syrian butcher.

Source: Bill O’Reilly: Column – A Blameless, Clueless President


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