The Great Civil War Fairy Tale | Total Conservative

Posted by Raw Editor on October 21, 2015 in politics |

In 1864, Confederate General Patrick Cleburne proved himself a minor prophet when he wrote: “Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written off by the enemy, that our youths will be taught by Northern school teachers; learn from Northern school books their version of the war.”Cleburne’s crystal ball must have been exceptionally clear on the day he penned this warning. There is only one version of the Civil War taught today, and it’s the one that turns the Union into heroic freedom fighters and the Confederacy into a spiritual precursor to the Nazis. Slavery, under this umbrella, was the sole reason for the war. The South’s leaders were virulent racists, willing to sacrifice thousands of lives if it meant keeping Africans in chains.And all the while, the ultimate symbol of hate – the Confederate Flag – flew high above this treasonous rebellion. It was only through the brave, tireless work of the Man-God Lincoln that our country was restored and the evil institution of slavery was finally abolished.It is, of course, as ridiculous as any other fairy tale. If the Civil War had happened ten years ago, this liberalized narrative would be regarded with the same skeptical disdain as “No blood for oil.” It is a story only a child could believe.But that’s the thing about stories taught to us as children. These tall tales get into our heads from such an early age that we never think to question them. And when it comes to the Civil War, there are powerful political forces at work trying to make sure that we never do.Today, the fairy tale of the Civil War is so entrenched that people regard you as a fool or a racist if you start talking about state’s rights. It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read or how deep your expertise goes. It doesn’t matter if the person arguing with you can’t tell the difference between Appomattox and Bass-O-Matic. All that matters is that you are breaking ranks with the official narrative. You might as well throw a white sheet over your head and burn a cross in your neighbor’s front yard.This year, of course, the flames are hotter than ever. Thanks to a psychopath named Dylann Roof, the Confederate Flag has come under intense scrutiny. Once liberals saw that picture of Roof posing with the flag, the game was up. Within a month, South Carolina’s Republican governor, Nikki Haley, ordered the flag to be taken off the Statehouse grounds.That wasn’t enough.

Source: The Great Civil War Fairy Tale | Total Conservative


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