Capitalism is Racist, Says MSNBC Radical | Total Conservative

Posted by Raw Editor on October 28, 2015 in politics |

If you want a clarifying glimpse into the diseased heart of liberalism, spend a few minutes watching Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC. The torture is worth it, because it’s easy to let your guard down when it comes to these people. Yeah, Democrats say some pretty ridiculous crap, but they’re all right. We all want a better America. We just have different ideas about how to get there.Don’t believe it for a second.These liberals are itching to destroy the United States. They see this country not as a shining beacon of freedom but rather an evil empire that must be systematically dismantled from the inside out. And seeing as how Democrats have veered so far left that a self-proclaimed socialist is cutting into Hillary Clinton’s lead, they are closer than ever to realizing that goal. While Republican leaders are calling for bipartisan compromise, Democrats are pushing an agenda that threatens the very foundation of the free market.

Source: Capitalism is Racist, Says MSNBC Radical | Total Conservative


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