The Third Stage – At Your Request Highlysuspect

Posted by Jensmar on April 10, 2007 in politics |

—————– Bulletin Message —————– From: Impeach GeOgre/ 9.11 Truth Date: Apr 10, 2007 3:05 AM Thanks Infensus Mentis Date: Apr 10, 2007 1:50 AM Thanks VoxyStVon Conspiracy Theorist Clothing co

The Third Stage. A collection of short mainstream media and independent film clips on the evolution of 9/11 skepticism. http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-5224963246223576086

1 Comment

  • highlysuspect says:

    Yes, I did ask you to post this. I have a few things to say about it. First, it is a long standing established fact that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have imperialistic asperations for America. They believe America should rule the world, because we are the most powerful nation. That being said, at no time during that video, was George Bush implicated in any “Government conspiracy” to destroy the WTC. Now, we all refer to Cheney as the “puppet master”, (apparently he isn’t the only one allegedly pulling the strings). Rumsfeld is also pulling strings, according to this video. My question is for all of those people who want to impeach Bush; Why? Why remove the so-called puppet and install the puppet masters in his place? That just does not make any sense whatsoever to me!

    My second point, this video mentioned that warplanes were not scrambled to intercept the planes. Ok, put yourself in the mind of the people in charge of that, they had to consider whether or not it would have been necessary to shoot down commercial airplanes full of American Citizens, also, they had to consider the emotional state of the pilots that would have been called upon to act on the order to fire. They didn’t have a lot of time to consider this. Remember, we’ve never been faced with a situation like this before.

    Third, The debate about the melting point of steel, no one wants to consider the fact that buildings are made out of flamable materials. It is conceivable that some of these materials caused a higher temperature. It is possibele.

    My opinion is this, we were attaked by muslim extremists. They murdered almost 3000 people. I believe certain high-ranking individuals in the Government used it to perpetuate a war they all new we couldn’t hope to win completely. I still believe Bush went after Suddam for revenge.

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