Obama Administration Breaks Law to Enrich Health Insurers

Posted by Raw Editor on February 26, 2016 in Personal |

The Obama administration will tell any lie and break any law to prevent the president’s signature health program from collapsing. Insurance companies, such as UnitedHealthcare and Aetna, are losing billions trying to sell Obamacare plans, and the risk is they’ll drop out at the end of 2016. No insurance companies means no Obamacare. In 2014, the White House tried to avert that disaster by promising insurers a bailout funded with taxpayer dollars, but public outrage and quick action by Senator Marco Rubio put a stop to it. Now the administration is at it again. Desperate to keep insurers on board, the administration scrambled to find another source of money. Unfortunately, a big part of that money pot belongs to the public. Disregarding that fact, the administration announced on Feb. 12 that the money will be handed out to insurers – a whopping $7.7 billion this year alone. That huge handout to the insurance industry violates the law.

Source: Obama Administration Breaks Law to Enrich Health Insurers


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