Rush Limbaugh notes 4-23-08

Posted by highlysuspect on April 25, 2008 in politics |
Stop wasting Money and Energy
Rush in a Hurry - Show Notes

On Today’s Show…

Show Highlight: What a night for Operation Chaos! The Drive-Bys don’t want to admit it but crossover voting played a huge role in Mrs. Clinton’s Pennsylvania victory. This loss exposes the weakness of Obama’s candidacy. The superdelegates are nervous and they are considering the Operation Chaos Doomsday Option: a new candidate. This is Howard Dean’s worst nightmare. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» Chaos! Irrelevant New York Times Smears Pennsylvania Voters

Pearl of Wisdom: “Both Obama and Hillary have to rely on unelected superdelegates to win the nomination. The entire Democrat primary process means nothing!”

C-in-C USOC Directive: All OpChaos soldiers are granted a night of R&R after the successful PA campaign. However, some rogue operatives have donated to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. No such order was issued. The C-in-C USOC would never tell you to donate with your hard-earned money to a Democrat presidential campaign.
» Now Shipping from the EIB Store: Operation Chaos T-shirts, Caps, and Stickers
» OpChaos Shirt Spotted: Westmoreland Sees Huge Increase in Democratic Voters

The bloom is off the messianic rose. The Myth is over. Obama isn’t new or different. He’s a weak, and to hasn’t won much since Feb 22. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Pearl of Wisdom: “If before Super Tuesday, we knew all we know now about Obama — about his elitist views regarding ‘bitter’ religion-clingers, about Reverend Wright — do you think he’d be where he is right now? He would not.”

Some are displeased with Operation Chaos. They think it’ll nominate to Hillary. Folks, remember: It’s called Operation Chaos for a reason. The objective is chaos through the convention, not to nominate either candidate. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here) Callers Offer Operation Chaos Theories:
» Could Operation Chaos actually deliver the presidency to Obama?
» Would Colin Powell switch parties to be the Doomsday Option nominee?
» Rush has dictated the course of the Democrat primary from the driver’s licenses for illegal aliens question, to Mrs. Clinton’s charge that Obama “can’t close the deal.”
» Can the Clintons still pull a dirty trick to get rid of Obama?

If Operation Chaos leads to Democrat riots in Denver, so be it. The country will be better off without Democrats running it — and if it takes riots, it takes riots. Screw what the world thinks! (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Pearl of Wisdom: “We conservatives don’t bring people together — that’s not how this country works. We defeat our political adversaries so that they’re in the minority.”

The Obama campaign looks like the Titanic. Rush offers his advice to Senator Obama on how to stop Operation Chaos right now. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Operation Chaos voters should change their registration back to Republican. However, there is a growing school of thought that says we should wait until after the general election to falsely boost the Democrats’ hopes. Operatives are left to their own discretion on this, as long as they reregister at some point.

The Drive-Bys were beside themselves last night, as the reality of Mrs. Clinton’s win sunk in. They wanted the chaos to end and they are bitter that it has not.

From Rush’s Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page:
» Huckabee, Paul Get 28% in Primary » Drive-Bys Recast Pennsylvania Chaos Voters
» Times Says Voters “Tired” Despite Record Turnout » NJ Dems to Add More Tolls

All that and more when we update RushLimbaugh.com!Now at Rush 24/7: Wednesday’s show audio, podcasts || Total Stack of Stuff

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  • Sun Tzu says:

    I continue to marvel at the apparent impact Rush’s Operation Chaos is having on the media and both political parties. There is clearly some clever strategy behind it. However, I think both Democrats and Republicans alike need to examine Operation Chaos from the following perspective: Is the Republican Party–Win or Lose in November going to be stronger and better off because of Operation Chaos? If it is, then supporting Operation Chaos is a good thing for Republicans and Conservatives to support and imperative for the Democrats to execute a counter-strategy. If not, beware of what you wish for!

  • highlysuspect says:

    Sun, what we all have to understand is that Rush Limbaugh has long been the face and voice of conservatism of America. When he speaks, people listen. Its that simple. Will Operation Kaos have an impact on the general election? its hard to say. I do know this, its becoming apparent that neither Obama or Clinton are the best choice for President. That puts McCain in the drivers seat. For better or worse.

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