exotic animals

Posted by highlysuspect on May 3, 2006 in politics, The Rantings of MEN!, Wildlife conservation, Will's articles |

I saw a trailer for a video story about having wild animals ( lions, tiger, bears, monkeys; whatever) for pets. Now I personally love tigers, white tigers especially. They are beatiful majestic creatures. That being said I would not want a 500lb tiger IN MY LIVING ROOM! Call me crazy, but no way! People who own these animals do not know how to care for them nor do they know how to not only protect themselves they don’t know how to protect the animals. So, as an animal lover, I implore you if you feel the need to own an exotic animal, get a striped cat from the humane society and name it TIGER!



  • mymim says:

    I totally agree unless you have a large remote area to keep such a enormous animal.
    And not to mention a never ending supply of raw meat.so you will not become lunch.
    anyone who thinks they can pull it off without any mishaps should try going to toys r us and get a life sized stuff animal and gice it a test drive.

  • highlysuspect says:

    I remember seeing a story not too long ago, maybe 2 years about some knucklehead who got eaten by his 2 pet Kimono Dragons. Now, I kindof understand owning Tigers or any big cats or chimps, monkeys whatever. But keeping Kimono dagons in the house at any age is more dangerous because the bacteria in their saliva is deadly. There is no way to survive being bitten by one. Why would anyone want to own one? People are insane!

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