Posted by highlysuspect on June 8, 2007 in politics, Will's articles |

In a speech in Virginia on Tuesday, addressing the annual Ministers’ Conference of Booker T. Washington’s alma mater, Hampton University, Illinois Senator and Presidential candidate Barrack Obama, showed why the American people should think twice about electing a democrat President of the United States. Sen. Obama showed true democrat colors as he did what John Kerry did in the last Presidential election and what Al Gore did in the one before that; he took BOTH sides of an issue! This particular issue being the riots in the wake of the Rodney King incident. In a disgraceful speech, he managed to excuse urban rioting while calling it “inexcusable” Obama declared that wholesale violence was the end result of “quiet riots” that had been building up for years.

I’m going to skip the preliminaries on this one. I have to ask the question, When is it excusable to drag an innocent man out of his vehicle and beat him to within an inch of his life? When? I don’t care what the circumstances are, this was a senseless and barbaric act and there is no justification whatsoever!

Sen. Obama can site whatever urban problem this country has faced or will face from the riots in Watts to the devastation of New Orleans by Katrina, there is no excuse to attack innocent people! We are all fed up with the garbage that goes on in Washington, these people that WE elect to REPRESENT us, don’t give a damn about us! They care about furthering their own agendas. Case in point, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi went to Syria which was a deliberate attempt to undermine the authority of the President, what it also did was compromise the safety and security of the American people. She did this to embarass the President. Speaker Pelosi also tacked on a 25 million dollar waterfront beautification project to a 15 billion dollar water bill in the face of a town in Missouri being destroyed by tornadoes! There are countless other things that occur, but we don’t go out into the street and start killing people!, or burning cars, looting stores, or raping and pillaging.

For anyone, especially a candidate for the highest PUBLIC SERVICE office in this country to single out one group’s plight over all others is ludicris. If Sen Obama wants to be President he needs to understand he has to represent ALL of us not just the African American community.


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