Posted by highlysuspect on December 14, 2006 in politics, Will's articles |

I received a letter from the Republican National Committee (RNC) on 12-13-06. They imformed me that there records show I am not an active member of the RNC in 2006. It also imformed me that the “Shift in power in the U. S. House and Senate has jeopadized the future of the Bush agenda”. After the pitch for my money, the letter goes on to say “The President and our Republican leadership will have to work harder than ever to preserve what we have accomplished and to:” 1) Continue fighting an aggressive war on terror; 2) Make the tax cuts permanent to furthur economic growth; 3) Confirm more qualified jurists who will not legislate from the bench; and, 4) Reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy. I did make the observation that this letter did not list any of these accomplishments that it spoke of.

The first topic, Fighting an aggressive war on terror; It seems to me we are not fighting aggressively. We are in Iraq “training” the Iraqi military to ward of revolutionary factions of the Iraqi people. Exactly how does that fight terrorism? These battles between Shiite and Sunnis will continue long after we leave. It seems to me, if we are going to fight a war on terror we should probably fight the terrorists! As opposed to training Iragis to fight each other! We must go into Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Pakistan and where ever else they are and wipe them off the planet! We need to stop pussyfooting aound in Iraq and get the job done!

Point number two, making the tax cuts permanent to further economic growth; The Presiident signs a bill into law, it becomes a law and cannot be overturned by a single vote. The democrats will need a two thirds majority vote to overturn the President’s signing of a bill making it a law. It works the same way if the democrats pass a bill and the President vetos it, they need a two thirds majority to override the President’s veto. I’m sorry to imform everyone, the democrats do not have the votes to override anything!

3) Confirm more qualified jurists who will not legislate from the bench; Why is this a frontburner issue on anyone’s agenda? The U.S. Supreme Court is there to intepret the constitution and rule according to constitutional law, therfore anything a Judge does can be overturned. This is not a hotbed issue.

4) Reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy; Well, so far, I haven’t heard anything solid from either party about how to do this. Someone put a comprehensive plan on the table!

Now, here are some issues that got the President and the Republicans the majority that we have not seen action on; 1) Social Security reform; 2) An affordable prescription drug plan; 3) Campaign finance reform; you get the picture. The only Republican to run with the ball on Social Security reform was Rick Santorum from Pennsylvania. and we saw what happened to him and his bid for reelection.

This letter goes on to state “John Conyers, as Chairman of the Judiciary, now has the power to begin impeachment proceedings against the President.” THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN! and why? one might ask, because the alternative is Dick Cheney! There is no chance the democrats want that.

I understand the RNC wants my money, and why. But, there not getting it until I see results form the last contribution I made! Let me translate for those fat cats in D.C. Stop representing yourselves, start representing the people who put you there!



  • Mymim says:

    Sorry dude they just want your money…
    Tell bush and his republicans to take it out of their money grubbin pockets.
    Tap one of their oil wells or cut one of their ceo salaries.
    Maybe then they have enough for contributions…

  • highlysuspect says:

    Kathy, That was a given. Of course they want my money. But they could at least tell me what they did with my last contribution. And, come up with a better list of things they want to accomplish with MY money! Politicians should all be named T.O.!

  • Mymim says:

    Yes if by TO you mean tune out…
    Because it all sounds the same .
    Empty promises to get elected and the they develope a major case of amnezia or how ever it spelled.
    It is the I didn’t say that game .
    Instead of lighting the tree at the white house they should light a match under all their asses to start following through on what they pitch…

  • highlysuspect says:

    I meant terryl owens, but yours works TO! get it TO!

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