Posted by highlysuspect on July 12, 2007 in politics, Will's articles |

Our new congress, which is now controlled by the tax and spend democrats, promised to clean up Washington politics, restore integrity and whatever else. What they’ve actually done is destroy any credibility the government had in the eyes of the American people. The idiot in charge of the money started handing out millions of dollars to high ranking democratic congressman for ” SPECIAL PROJECTS ” in their respective districts, we call this “pork barrel spending “. This was all done on the heels of an outrageous increase in gas prices (with the democrats bitching that we need alternative energy sources) and the destruction of a Missouri town by tornadoes. 48 million dollars alone went to Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and Pennsylvania Representative John Murtha. I love pork just as much as the next guy, but I prefer to have it grilled!
In Pennsylvania, we have a democrat governor who has decided to follow in the footsteps of the ” new congress “. He is currently holding the state hostage because our state legislature will not pass his budget which is loaded with pork! Basically, he wants it his way or we all suffer, especially the employees he forloughed without pay.

This is the problem all Pennsylvanians and all Americans should have with this nonsense, the people elect public servants to represent them, not to represent themselves. Bluntly stated, we don’t work for them, they work for us and its about time we told them that! What I believe we should do, what I believe our obligation is, we must flood the Governor’s office with letters, emails and phone calls, and let him know his conduct is reprehensible and will not be tolerated.


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