Posted by highlysuspect on January 25, 2007 in politics, Will's articles |

Sen. John Kerry yesterday withdrew his name fo the democratic nomination for President. Why he felt a formal announcement was necessary I have no idea. He effectively withdrew his name the day he insulted our armed sevices personnel. I served in the mitlitary as did one of our contributors. I have friends and family that are currently serving their country. This man had no business saying what he said. I don’t care if he was trying to make a joke about the President or not. He was wrong!

Mr. Kerry has a habit of making wrong decisions about our military. During his unsuccessful bid for the Presidency, he came out in favor of the war in Iraq. Before he came out against it. Bad idea. He told the American people he was against tyranny and terror. Then decided to take this opposite stance to try to get votes. He changed his opinion because he thought it would win the Presidency! Apparently, he ate some bad payoate (pretty sure thats not how to spell it) that day.
In the Vietnam war, Sen. Kerry ratted on his unit about abusing prisoners or natives or whatever. This was later borne out to be complete crap. He was not with the personnel he accused of the abuse. Where does it stop with the democrats?
John Kerry will never be President. Americans will never trust him. That’s why he withdrew or “decided” not to run.



  • mymim says:

    I agree 100%
    John Kerry will never be president.
    although I must say once again all politicians change their view to please the voters and never follow through,
    so besides insaulting our throops what is so different between him and the now cheif boob…..

  • highlysuspect says:

    Lets see, undr are current commander in chief we will never have to learn how to speak french. or, any other european language. Under Sen. Kerry, we would have to get approval for everything we do. That was one of his campaign thingies. Contact the europeans and seek approval to do everything, incuding defending ourselves.

    Democrats around the country rejoyced the other day at his announcement. He is the biggest boil on the backside of the democratic party. Until Hillary wins and Wild Bill calls Monica in for a return engagement.

  • shortbus says:

    I can’t beleive you wasted electrons on this. Nobody cares that John Kerry isn’t running. Nobody really cared that he did run. It was all over for the Dems in 04 when Dean screamed.

  • highlysuspect says:

    I don’t see commenting on John Kerry as a waste of electrons. I see it is an opportunity to seal one more liberal’s career in a pine box. But, I guess he did a pretty good job of that on his own.

    Howard Dean. You are correct sir, the name says it all!

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