Posted by highlysuspect on February 12, 2007 in politics, Will's articles |

Illinos Senator Barack Obama on saturday formerly announced he is a candidate for the democratic nomination for President of the United States. Sen. Obama announced this at the place where Abraham Lincoln served when he was elected to the state assembly of Illinois. Is the place of the announcement noteworthy? Apparently not to the media. Should it be for the rest of us? Probably. Abraham Lincoln went on to become the 16th President of the United States. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in America. Sen. Obama’s choice of locations is symbolic as a tribute to President Lincoln. It cements Lincoln’s belief that all Americans are equal under the law.

During his announcement speech, “Candidate” Obama spoke about the need for change in Washington. He said his candidacy would be about change because it is what the people wanted. He’s right. Americans want change. They want a government focused on what is best for America and her people. Whatever that encompasses. They want the emphasis to be on domestic issus, affordable healthcare, lower taxes, less government spending, stemcell research, protecting our borders, you get the point. Mr. Obama’s big thing was to announce he has ” a plan to bring all of our combat troops in Iraq home by March of 2008″. This plan has yet to be revealed. “Candidate” Obama says he wants change in Washington, “like the American people”, Well Senator, if its change you want, how about not waiting for the battle for the nomination heats up, tell us now. Anything less than that, perpetuates the status quo in D.C..

Sen. Obama says he is an outsider in Washington, until he bucks the system and SHOWS the American people he stands with them, he’s just another Washinton politician running for President.



  • amathy says:

    I truley hope he’s not the typical polititian and i really hope, he can turn his talk into action. Because we really do need a change in this country. And i think he wanted everyone to notice the significance of the location, but you are right the media, you think would have pointed it out. But then again, they are focusing on Anna Nicole Smith right now, and I do not want to go there…lol.

  • highlysuspect says:

    they need to let her rest in peace

  • Rod Remington says:

    Obama is the breath of fresh air for a country that has been suffocating under the current regime.
    His lack of Washington experience does make him an outsider -right now. If he does not win this election
    and remains a senator for another six years, he may become something very different.

  • highlysuspect says:

    You may be right about what fate awaits him if he doesn’t win. The last thing we need in D.C. is another mouth-running politician.

  • highlysuspect says:

    I just read Ann Coulter’s column ” Jonathan Livingston Obama” and I have to agree with her. Sen. Obama, in his announcement that he was ruuning for President, literally told the American people EVERYTHING they wanted to here. However, he did not offer any course of action whatsoever, except to say he had a plan to remove out troops from Irag by March of 2008 and something about healthcare. Senator, I repeat my earlier question, “If what you have to propose on key issues would be good for this coutry AFTER you get elected, why not propose it now and really be this coutries hero?”

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