Posted by highlysuspect on February 17, 2007 in politics, Will's articles |

PA. Gov. Ed Rendell on friday apoligized to the people of Pa. because of the conditions of several interstate highways.  Some of them were closed do to accidents caused by blinding snow and people who obviously do not have enough sense to STAY THE HELL HOME!   

My take on Pa.’s highway situaion is this:  1) response was to slow, given, it was a lot of snow.  Still, Mr. Rendell said ” Pennsylvania is ready”, and we probably should have been.  2) People here “SNOW” and their heads go directly up their asses.  Panic ensues and we have kaos.  3) out of state drivers do not know how to drive in Pa.  It’s that simple.  They think every turn, every straight away , will give them victory in the Indy 500!  They don’t know the roads and should have enough sense not to drive like  maniacs. But they don’t.  ( Fines for out of state drivers should be double, maybe then they will learn to respect our laws.

Gov. Rendell also promised an investigation into what happened. That’s fine.  But, who gets to foot the bill for the investigation?  The taxpayer?  Not this one!  I’m not giving this joker any more of my money!  He will invent a NEW tax to pay for this “investigation”.  I guarantee it.  Something else I’d like an answer to: Gas prices went up ten cents the night after the storm hit!  WHY?!   



  • amathy says:

    I really don’t care whether they investigate what happened or not, just make sure it doesn’t happen again. What Penn Dot needs to do is, when the snow starts getting crazy, call each city and tell them to block the ramps to get onto the highways. And then plow as much as they can without vehicles on the road, and then the highway may not need to be closed for a day or 2 because the plows are now stuck in the middle of the traffic , and can’t even plow because there’s 100 vehicles stuck in it. My advice to people in general, when there’s this much snow, call off of work, because by 8am there was probably already 8 inches of snow mixed with how much ice. If you get fired because you couldn’t make it to work, because you felt unsafe to drive you can sue their asses!!!

  • Kathy says:

    I say not only should people have gotten off the road but where the hell were all the plows any way and still there is snow banks every where.We live in North East Pa we are use to bad weather they should have been ready for it.
    instead of sitting around on their asses.
    I canremember getting alot more snow in the past and the roads were cleaned with in hours not days and highways were clean..
    so as for Mr.Rendell get bent if you want to raise any more taxes…as far as I see it you owe us money for time missed from work and pain and suffering from being trapped for three days…
    tax that buddy.

  • highlysuspect says:

    And while you’re at it Ed, why don’t you and the rest of the overpaid politicians in Harrisburg give back that pay raise? It seems to me that if you can’t pay for road and bridge repairs, or whatever the hell you need money for, we should not have to pay you what we are.

  • Broncos fan says:

    as far as I am concerned, you are right Kathy, we live in Northeast Pa. and were and we use to getting alot of snow. However, We haven’t had a bad winter in how many years and everyone knows PennDOT, if they sit on their asses long enough they forget how to do their jobs. We also can not blame all of this on PennDOT, Our notorious Governor closed the interstates down with heavy traffic on them, which intern caused traffic to stop and that is what created the slow trucks to get stuck in the middle of traffic. Thanks Ed keep screwing us over more. Of course Ed must be a good screw cause the voters keep voting him in office, when will we learn. How much will we take he definately wants to find out.

  • highlysuspect says:

    A side bar to this whole Rendell thing, I believe it was this morning he sighned a death warrant for a guy who was convicted of murder some 13 years ago. This is a bit surprising given the anti death penalty position of the democratic party, not to mention the fact that Rendell is notoriously soft on crime.

    The crying shame is Gov. Rendell didn’t give Pennsylvanians two for the price of one and sign his own death warrant.

    I would have written another editorial, but I’ve given big Ed way too much press allready.

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