Posted by highlysuspect on February 28, 2007 in politics, sports, Will's articles |

The United States Congress is once again threatening to begin hearings on steroid use in sports. Apparently they don’t have anything better to do. This is despite the fact America is in a crisis situation in Irag, the cost of healthcare has risen dramatically in the last few months, (I ought to know, my bosses premiums nearly doubled in a month, consequently, my cost went from 13 dollars a week to 41 dollars a week. Who gets to compensate me for losing that much money?) We have a Speaker of the House throwing a bitch fit over flying accomadations. We have a media more concerned with the death of a so-called celebrity than it is with providing fair and impartial news. I could go on forever. I personally do not care if Barry Bonds used or is currently using steroids. Nor do I care if anybody else is using them. If they want to poison themselves, that is their decision.

Now, as far as congress goes, The American people want things done that will improve their quality of life, but these idiots ( congress) chose to investigate garbage like this instead of doing what we are paying them to do. I suggest this: we want a better performance from congress, make them take steroids. This would increase their aggression on issues, ( hopefully the important ones ), and we wouldn’t have to put up with this nonsense.



  • kathy says:

    My frustrated friend,
    The cost of insurance premiums will continue to rise forever .
    It does not only fall on the government fat cats but the power hungry pharmaceutical companies.
    Do you know the minute amount it takes to make the drugs they are trying to oush down our throats .
    The plain truth is that half of these so call wonder drugs do not do a freaking thing for you.
    there is no cure for the common cold or flu or ect. But your doctors get paid and the pharmacist gets paid if they tell you to take them.
    and i agree we spend to much money and time investigating the stupid shit.
    I am happy Anna Nicole is gone she was a pig and I do not care if she offed herself or what happend and I am sure it is really world news to know who the father of her baby is .
    as for the steroid thing people have been using them for years and always will in competative sports so they might as well just leagalize them I do not agree that they should be used but face it they are so what good does fines and time outs seem to be doing.
    just one more way for the powers that be to try to control the sheep…..

  • highlysuspect says:

    Kathy, I managed to fix this stuff. I don’t know what happened but it should be ok now. I’ll comment later.

  • “Just One more way for the powers to be to control the sheep”. That is the problem in this country. The perception in among the government amd the partners, the media, is that Americans can be kept silent as long as nothing really stupid occurs. So they through crap like Anna Nicole Smaith, Steroids in sports and god knows what else out there so we are distracted and don’t really see what is going on. It has been the modus opporendi of both entities for eons. That’s why people like me create sites like this, to get people talking and thinking. I want everyone to understand something, I haven’t been disagreeing with Jenn because she is a diehard liberal, and I’m a staunch republican. I disagree with her because I simply don’t believe she has the evidence to back her claim up. (Bear in mind I have not had a chance to examine her sources yet, I will do that in due course). My point is this, the time has come for the masses to act. Let the destructive forces within this country know we are tired of it and we’re not going to take anymore.

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